Greetings in the name of Christ. I hope this letter finds you doing well and excited about your ongoing partnership with the Lall family and Central India Christian Mission. The church I serve has been the “Living Link” support for Ajai and Indu for over 25 years and it has been a ministry partnership that has richly blessed our entire congregation.

I’m writing to you as the Chairman of the US Board of Directors for CICM to let you know of a change in leadership here in the States. The US Director for CICM, Mark Hall, has submitted his resignation. Mark’s resignation became effective on October 15th following a five-week period where he was instrumental in helping us create a transition plan for the mission. Mark has served CICM in this position for the past four years and has done an outstanding job of bringing operational organization and structure to the US side of the mission, as well as being directly responsible for a significant increase in financial support. I, along with the rest of the board, am
deeply thankful to Mark for the service and leadership he has provided.

I’m thankful to announce that at our most recent CICM board meeting (held October 14th), we 

were able to appoint Glen Liston as the interim US Director as well as appoint a search team to 
find the next US Director. At the current time the US office will remain in Savannah, GA where we are blessed to have a great staff. Please pray for Glen and the office staff as they continue to lead. Also, please pray for the Board as we begin the search for a new Director. Finally, please pray for Mark as he begins a new chapter in his life.

Thank you for your continued faithful support of CICM. As I write this letter I am firmly convinced that the best and most fruitful days of the mission are in the future and I’m thankful that, together, we can be a part of a ministry that is literally changing the world.

Jesus cares,

Chris Philbeck
Chairman – US Board of Directors for CICM