“For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of GOD for salvation to everyone who believes…” Romans 1:16

We would like to give thanks for the CICM evangelists today. The obedience to CHRIST’S call on their life has impacted many lives in India and the surrounding countries.


In a country where Christianity is often persecuted, these men daily proclaim CHRIST is LORD. Many cities, people and villages have a hostile approach towards any religion other than Hinduism. The evangelists continue to share the message of our LORD and SAVIOR just as JESUS did while HE was on earth. 

Many evangelists endure hardships for the sake of the Gospel. They are often mocked, beaten or tortured because of their faith. They sacrifice small and large for the sake of the Gospel. Yet their love for the LORD drives them to continue in humble obedience. 

We are so thankful for these servants of CHRIST and their dedication and commitment to Christ’s Great Commission. Thank you for your partnership with Central India Christian Mission. Your support is helping change lives and further the Kingdom of GOD.  

For more information about the work of CICM or to make a gift online please visit www.indiamission.org.



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22 West Bryan St. #302

Savannah, GA 31401