In India, the number of homeless and hungry children reaches into the millions. Children’s Ministries are a vital part of CICM’s outreach. The children’s ministry is helping clothe the naked, feed the hungry, take care of the sick, bring hope to the hopeless and free those in bondage. Above all, we are educating these children about the love of our Lord and His glory.

Jakadbhanda Children - CICMJakadbhanda Children – CICM


The opportunity to sponsor a child is an opportunity to change a life. With $30 a month you will make an impact in a way that will bring opportunities that would otherwise be out of reach. 


Sponsorship will provide clothes, food, shelter and medical needs to a child in need. We ask that you prayerfully consider sponsoring one of the many children in need in India. 

Thank you so much for your partnership in this ministry!


Please visit our to find out more about child sponsorship or to make a gift online.


Our mailing address is:


22 West Bryan St. #302

Savannah, GA 31401




“See how great a love the Father has bestowed on us, that we should be called children of God; and such we are.” 1 John 13:34 

Central India Christian Mission | 22 West Bryan St. | #302 | Savannah | GA | 31401