In India, karma is believed to define much of the future. Many believe if there is suffering, it is a repercussion of something in a past life. Because of this, people who are sick are often outcast from communities and left with no hope. 

Central India Christian Mission’s hospital in Damoh treats almost 100,000 patients, performs 900 major surgeries, and delivers over 200 babies annually. The hospital offers free care to anyone who cannot afford to pay. This medical ministry serves as a way to show Christ’s love to many people when society has turned their backs.

Medical Ministry.mp4
Medical Ministry.mp4


To operate the hospital costs about $100,000 every year. Would you pray about giving $100 to care for a patient in the hospital? We know God is using this ministry to bring people to Himself. Thank you for your sponsorship. We are thankful for your commitment.

Please visit our to find out more about the work of CICM or to make a gift online.



Our mailing address is:



22 West Bryan St. #302


“But I will restore you to health and heal your wounds, declares the LORD, because you are called an outcast, Zion for whom no one cares.” Jeremiah 30:17