Our heart is to first and foremost honor God and follow Him in obedience. As we progress through the 40 Days of Blessings, we ask that you walk beside us in prayer for the following:

  • Please pray for Drs. Ajai and Indu Lall, for God’s wisdom and protection. For the entire Lall family as they spend their lives serving in India.
  • Pray for the entire CICM team in India, Nepal, Bangladesh, and Bhutan, for God’s strength and guidance. 
  • Pray for the teachers at the biblical academies and nursing college, all of the doctors and nurses at the CICM hospital.
  • Pray for the 5000+ sponsored, all those in the children’s homes and for the full time employees who daily care for the children.

  • Pray for God’s strength and provision for the evangelists that are going to the most remote parts of the world to share the gospel. 



  • Pray for God’s blessing on all of the medical and hospital staff. 

  • Pray for the 1200 churches, for new believers, for the church planters, preachers, leaders and elders. Pray God would use them in a mighty way. 
  • Pray for God’s power on all of the publications, and for Gods power to be with those who are taking His word out.
  •  Pray for all those who are persecuted for their faith in Jesus Christ.


Central India Christian Mission is eager to see God move during the next 40 Days. Thank you for partnering with us during this time. We give thanks for the many ways God has blessed us and pours out into those who need it most.

Please visit our website www.indiamission.org to find out more about the work of CICM or to make a gift online.


Our mailing address is:


22 West Bryan St. #302

Savannah, GA 31401



“Whatever you ask in My name, that will I do, so that the Father may be glorified in the Son. If you ask Me anything in My name, I will do it.” John 13:14

Central India Christian Mission | 22 West Bryan St. | #302 | Savannah | GA | 31401