Merry CHRISTmas! May your Season be filled with the awe of the gift GOD has given us in HIS SON, JESUS CHRIST. 
December began with a much needed surgery for Beth on her right thumb. After years of degeneration & the surgery being put off due to DQ ‘s more pressing medical need, the deed was done Dec. 1. She will be in physical therapy January & February but will be cleared to ride again by Daytona Bike Week March 1. She plans to work on further organization of ministry business & getting the first draft of her book ‘Two Wheels A’blazin’ to the publisher while recuperating. 
October was busy & fruitful for the Kingdom. October 10 & 11 was the 1st Annual DQ Roberts Memorial Weekend at First Christian Church Ministry of Kernersville, NC. DQ dreamed of this event & it was being planned when he left us. The weather did not cooperate (rain Friday night) but we still had good attendance for a first time event at 48 people Friday & 69 folks on Saturday. The weekend had a planned night ride (rained out), Pig-Pickin (BarBeque), Bike Show, Silent Auction & a live Band. Event T-shirts are still available. Two days later, on Tuesday the 14th, Beth was off to Biketoberfest in Daytona FL where GOD blessed her with many witnessing opportunities. Whether at the hotel, on the street or at the Bike Shows, she made the most of the time & shared JESUS & HIS LOVE. It was of the most fruitful events of the year, praise the LORD.
The ministry continued into November with the Charlotte Swap Meet the 7-9. This has always been a great event. Saturday was a busy day as we served & loved on people. Sunday was a slower day as the beautiful weather put riders in the wind instead of the Swap Meet. We stayed positive, had an awesome worship service & made the most of each opportunity while encouraged each other in the slow times. 
Beth also spent time in September through early November teaching discipleship.Group 1 completed the 2 year- 4 level program. Group 2 is now 1\2 way through the program & will begin level 3 in January. The Ambassador Motorcycle Ministry will begin a Bible Study on sharing their faith also in January with Beth leading the discussions.
I would feel remiss if I did not update you on my personal journey in widowhood as I know so many of you continue to pray for me in this area, of which I am so grateful. DQ’s graduation, without question, has been the hardest time of my life but it has also been a time that GOD has drawn me ever closer to Himself. In 2 1\2 years, my Mother, brother & DQ were all called home. With a totally empty & broken heart, all my love was able to become focused on JESUS. HIS PRESENCE is ever there in our lives but I think we allow other people & things to crowd HIM out at times. We try not to but life happens. When we lose nearly all that matters, we either curse GOD & die or allow HIM to show us who HE truly is. I believe as a widow, I am closer to GOD than I could have ever been as a wife. (Perhaps the reason in part why Paul encouraged widows not to re-marry.) So while I miss DQ & always will, JESUS is enough for me. To continue to mourn deeply, at this point, would be a denial of that & in essences would be to admit that HE is not enough. So I rest in HIS ARMS & look forward to myself finishing well & the beautiful reunion that will happen at the WEDDING FEAST. Maranatha, LORD JESUS.
Much ministry is planned for 2015 including some new events. I thank you for your continued support. Please know that we to maximize oppurtunities & funds to glorify GOD & reach the most for the KINGDOM. Beth is open to visiting churched & sharing Christian Riders Ministry. Feel free to get in touch with us for this or any other reason. 
Facebook: Dqbeth Crm

Mail: POBox 2179, Kernersville NC 27285-2179