Dear C.B.M. Partners and Friends, 


Greetings and thanks so very much for your prayers for Ruth Anne and the January Amazon Boat Trip.

Ruth Anne had back surgery on January 20 and arrived back here in Goiânia today after 24 hours of flying and airports.

The entire boat crew was at the Manaus airport at mid-night to meet her and help get her on the flight to Brasilia and Goiânia.

She has been resting today and will continue to take it easy as she recovers from the surgery.  We will return to the U.S.

in early when she will undergo the second surgery on April 14.   Please continue to pray for her total recovery and getting ready

for the next operation.


AMAZON  BOAT  TRIP  OPPORTUNITY:   We have had both churches for  the January and February, 2016 trips cancel.  So we have

decided to do just one trip during those two months since we will be doing 11 trips in 2016.   It will be January 19-30, 2016. 

We already have about 4 individuals confirmed for the trip but we need another 8 to complete the team.  As an individual or just

a small  church group you can enjoy two great weeks of Amazon warm weather and be a great help as we visit and treat individuals

in the Amazon villages.  We will give priority to the first 8-10 individuals that let us know that they are interested in the trip.  We can

use 3 o 4 of these on a construction project as well as those that will be working on the boat.


We still have available the following dates for future trips if you or your church group are interested:


       OCTOBER, 2017    –    NOVEMBER, 2017        


       2 0 1 8   —–The following months are  open:   January, March, April, May, September, October (Fishing Trip), November.


       2 0 1 9, 2020  —–All  months  are  still  available.



Thanks again for your prayers and real interest in us and our CBM Ministry.


Earl and Ruth Anne