We are needing some more individuals for a couple of trips early next year.

(Could use 3 or 4 for each of the following trips):


        A P R I L   19 – 29    (Leave on Wednesday and return on Saturday) 11  days


        M A Y  17 – 27         (Leave on Wednesday and return on Saturday) 11 days



        A U G U S T   23  –  S E P T E M B E R  2  ( Leave on Wednesday and return on Saturday) 11 days


                                        (  NEED  ENTIRE  TEAM  –  AT  LEAST  10  INDIVIDUALS )


                                        ( CAN BE A MIXED GROUP – TWO OR THREE DIFFERENT CHURCHES)


If you can help and are interested please get in contact with me right away and I will get you in touch

with the Church Team leader that is responsible for the trip.


Thanks for your prayers and partnership with us.


Earl and Ruth Anne