Dear Friends and Partners of the Central Brazil Mission,


Greetings once again.  We have heard how much the journals and pictures of the Amazon Boat Trips are helpful to those planning to come

on future trips.  That is good to know as we try and make sure that on each trip we have someone do a journal of the trip.


Just to let you know that our April newsletter is now on our website as well as two journals of the March trip that we had with the Mayo Clinic Team from Jacksonville, Florida.  We did both a regular medical boat trip to some villages as the Medical/Surgical Team  did 62 surgeries in two small hospitals where we work in the Amazon.    I am sure you will want to read both journals.


Our website is:    –  Go to Letters  and  Amazon Boat Ministry


If you would like a life changing experience, just sign up for one of the Amazon Boat Mission Trips.  We need both teams of 10-12 as well as at times just 4 or 5 individuals to complete a group.  If you get in touch with us, I am sure we could get you on one of these trips.


Right now we need teams and/or individuals for the following months for Amazon Boat Trips:


           2 0 1 7:    September, October (Both Peacock Bass Fishing and Medical Trip),  November.  (We have 4 trips scheduled between June- August).


           2 0 1 8 :   March, April, May, September, October, November.      (We have 5 trips scheduled between June and August).


           2 0 1 9  and  2 0 2 0 –  All months are open.



Thanks again for your partnership with us in helping meet the physical and spiritual needs of those individuals that live in the remote villages of the Amazon Region of Brazil.


With much L O V E,