2018 has already been amazing for the families of The Restoration House. Andto think we’ve barely begun means there is so much more to anticipate!

We are so honored to be in relationship with each of these precious families.
Please take a moment to celebrate with us as you read through all the latest news below.

May we all come to experience the restoration and wholeness God has for each of us.

Thank you for partnering with us.

Daniel Watson

Cofounder, Executive Director

Honor your Mom, Today!

What comes to mind when you think of "Moms"? For many there are thoughts of sacrifice, unconditional love, grace, and the will to conquer! Or maybe it’s another special woman who made those differences in your life. These are the same traits we get to see growing every day in the lives of single mothers at The Restoration House. And they are our hero’s!

This year consider making a donation that can be given in honor, or in memory, of that mom or other special woman who has made a positive impact in your life! When you do, we will send a special card to your loved one, letting her know of the gift that’s been given in her honor, all because she has meant so much to you!

Each giving option you find through the link below will provide much needed items that can be of tremendous help tosome of the new families beginning their journey here with us.

Celebrate that special woman in your life, and encourage the hard working single momma’s at TRH this Mothers Day!

Click to give your gift here

A Volunteer Army

2018 is bringing so much anticipated growth to The Village, and with Spring finally showing up, that means there’s even more to be maintained and taken care of! It takes an army of dedicated volunteers to make it all work around here, and recently we had several groups investing their time and energy to help us accomplish what we can’t do alone

A group of sweet ladies from Gonzaga spent part of 2 days with us assembling picnic table kits, cleaning 2 of our vacant units to get them ready for new families, and cleaning out our flower beds – they were fantastic!

Americorp also recently spent a couple days helping us prepare to welcome our new families to The Village. They unwrapped and moved in some of the new appliances, cleaned up our green spaces, and also helped assembling picnic tables. And City Hills Church helped with Justlead Easter Baskets for the kiddos.

To learn more about volunteering, simply click here.

Community Partners

We want to give a huge shout out to some amazing local companies, that are helping keep The Village and TRH well cared for – we are so thankful for you!

The Scores Are In!

Last week in our Justlead afterschool program, our elementary and middle school students finished their spring MAP Testing (Measures of Academic Progress). Students were tested in reading and math, with scores then compared to their fall test scores.
Our students finished strong with everyone either scoring at/above grade level or improving their score from the fall!
We are so proud of them, and love knowing our kiddos are a part of such a dynamic youth development program like Justlead!

What Would We Do Without Her

Meet Morgan Steele! We are so proud to share some exciting news, and celebrate her very special accomplishment with you this month!
Morgan, one of our weekly Volunteers, was recently given the Knox County Youth Volunteer of the Year award by Governor Bill Haslam!

(Morgan with our Dir. of Programs Lori Haskell)

We have grown to depend a lot on Morgan, who has volunteered with us for several years now, and taken on more and more responsibilities along the way – quickly becoming our "go to" person.

While at the ceremony to receive that award, she was surprised to learn what we already knew – that she was also receiving the Youth Volunteer Award for all of East Tennessee!

We love you Morgan, and are so glad you are a part of the TRH Family!

Changing the Narrative!

We are thrilled to announce that The Restoration House has been selected by WFET to join a three-year collaborative network. The WFET carefully selected eight organizations that can work to change the current pervasive and discouraging narrative that serves as a barrier to education for women and girls into a cultural mindset that every woman and girl deserves to make the most of herself by taking advantage of opportunities to further her education. Together we are looking to make a difference region wide.

Learn more about the network and the other participating organizations here.

The Village: Phase II Update

On March 28th, over 100 friends came out to celebrate as we cut the ribbon on 12 more units at The Village! These 12 units are completely paid for because of the extremely generous support of so many in our community. You can watch the video here. The initial four families moved into these units this month, and there are five more scheduled to move in next month!

The Restoration House is now pushing to finish the final 6 units. The exterior is complete and now we are looking to start the interior of the units! Our current funding gap for those units is $500K.

If you have already made an investment, THANK YOU!If you or others you know are considering making an investment in Phase II of The Village, now is the perfect time. If you have questions please don’t hesitate to contact Daniel at daniel or call him on his cell: 865-300-6806.

Click here to make an investment today!

The Restoration House would like to invite you to experience A Day in the Life of a low-income single-mother family. The families of The Restoration House are not unique in their struggles, but it is hard to truly appreciate all that they are overcoming until you see where they have been.

A Day in the Life is a free, one-hour monthly event that lets you “walk in the shoes” of a low-income single mom. And lunch is included! Get an inside look into how The Restoration House works to help single-mother families fulfill the goals and dreams that they never thought possible.

You can pick a date and RSVP by clicking HERE.