Please continue to pray for the Gary Klein family and the work of CDMM.  The following update comes from their Forwarding Agent.  The difficulties continue.  Pray for God’s truth to be quickly victorious.

I cannot express how much your prayers and concerns mean to the Klein family and CDMM.  I spoke with their oldest daughter, Lori, this morning.  She had received an urgent call from Gary asking for prayer in this situation.  The mayor (who is behind all the aggression) just found out that Gary has taken legal action against him for all the damage he has done to the mission property.  The police (friends of the mayor) showed up this morning to arrest Gary and put him in jail, however, they didn’t have a warrant to arrest him and left.  Fearing for their lives, they left their home in the Mucha Agua area immediately and are staying at an undisclosed location (I don’t even know where).  The lawsuit against the mayor is to be filed served this Friday and hopefully, the mayor will end up in jail and peace will be restored.  Here are the urgent prayer needs:


1)  Safety and protection for the Klein family and all the preachers they have sponsored in the D.R. (they have threatened to do harm to not only the family, but also anyone associated with them).


2)  A successful outcome on Friday when the lawsuit is to be filed against the corrupt mayor


3)  Also, this Friday Gary is planning to purchase land for a new visitors center that will be safe for visiting mission teams.  He has negotiaged an agreement with the owner and we have raised over half the funds necessary.  Pray that the remaining funds will come in to be able to purchase this much needed property.


4)  Please pray that this entire situation is used for the glory of God and for the ones who have done evil.


Again, thank you for your much needed prayers.  As you said, they are wanting to avoid using Facebook to get the word out so please pass along to everyone you know.”


In Christ,


Libby Kinder

CDMM Forwarding Agent