Thanks for the prayers and (via FaceBook) encouragement.

Yesterday the ophthalmologist said my eye was healing fine. Said in 5 weeks I could be fitted for glasses. A distance lens was put in my right eye, but due to the focal length in that eye and a pterygium, I will need a corrective lens for that eye. But rather than get glasses, the doc thinks it is time to get the pterygium removed. I was told that it was not SOP to remove the growth unless it threatened vision. She said it was time. So, when I can work it into my non-traveling schedule, I will get it done. Afterward I may not need glasses but if I do, it would be a different prescription than for my current vision.

I still read out of my left eye without glasses. I see distances pretty well with my left eye. But my right eye has some blurring at any distance.

No plans for the minor cataract on the left eye as it is not yet problematic. Not sure why the right eye got so far ahead of my left eye.

LaVerne’s surgery for her screw removal went well. Just regret that we did not think to ask for the three souvenir screws. The holes left from their removal are healing as is the incision. She has managed the pain well. LaVerne is a candidate for ankle fusion and she may have that done December 18, after our TMI board meeting which is Dec. 11.

LaVerne was using a walker to get around and then the cane and now sometimes without the cane.

She is even driving now — though it is her right foot that had the surgery. Yesterday’s hair appointment was the incentive.

Her recent general physical exam and blood-work came back great. Signs of improvement on her general health! Still has fibromyalgia, of course. Still has some joint and other pains. But, some general health improvements.
I am still working on my New Testament Survey lessons for Lvov/Lviv, making some notes for my second sermon in Kyiv/Kiev, and jotting down ideas for promotional materials for the missionary convention that I will go to a couple weeks after my return from Ukraine. Dr Keeran will do the layout and publishing for me. With less than one week before I leave, there is a lot to do.

I have been helping Andrei narrow down his job choices based on employment realities as I see them, starting to develop some networking in the county, and otherwise working toward his getting on his own soon. His interests range from driving a truck for a year to make some money, be independent, travel, see the USA, etc to being a screenwriter for movies. In between lies management positions but his heart is not really in that, just his experience. He would like to make a (good) living at writing, speaking, preaching, engaging with people, etc. It is really hard to have your cake and eat it too! Got to start somewhere while you work on your dreams.

Please continue to pray for Andrei, for his employment, for his finding his place in this world that does not always meet our hopes and expectations. He is willing to move wherever good employment might lead him, but he may have to accept a low paying job in our area just to get started on his own.

Still looking for a free car or a loaner for Andrei.
Joel is in Ukraine and finding it hard to get a visa to get back into European countries that give 90 out of 180 days to be without a visa. He used up his 90 days. (These countries are part of a Schengen agreement, so to be in anyone country is the same as being in all of the countries when it comes to counting the 90 days.) He is in Ukraine now.
Tiffany returned from Ireland. All went well.

Pray for churches and their leaders that are still trying to adjust to the continuing changes and threats to freedom of religion in Crimea which has now appeared in mainland Russia as well. New laws (?) that contravene other existing laws are being employed more and more to restrict all Christian activity other than that of the Russian Orthodox Church (Moscow patriarch branch).  One such law says that church Sunday Schools are required to have a license to permit them to teach, just like with other teaching institutions. I do not know what problems we may face once of these days at our Center, but may our light continue to shine in Crimea.

Oh, one of our threats right now is our need for more support for that part of our ministry. We really need significant new support to keep that ministry going – or to be able to sale our old college building or our Tabitha basement warehouse to provide some funding while we continue to seek new supporters.
Thanks for praying and praising with us,
Georges & LaVerne