Seems we have some unexpected expenses recently.


LaVerne needed a root canal redone due to infection

while I was teaching in Ukraine

. Cost?

—  $1,625


I needed a root canal due to an abscess

that has not resolved itself for the better part of a year

. Cost?

— $742 for the rootcanal; buildup and crown will bring it up to around LaVerne’s expense — around 1600.



Friday afternoon the oil light went on
in the Odyssey. Cost? Stay tuned.

People often think that the oil light simply tells you when the oil level is low, but what it tells is when the oil pressure is too low for safe driving. It might be that there is too little oil to maintain pressure, or that the oil pump has quit working. 


I drove one or two miles to my intermediate destination and called the mechanic that had recently replaced my previous engine. The engine was still running smoothly till I stoped and stalled. Then I called AAA. Those one or two miles probably cost me a lot. There is a reason why those lights rather than gauges are called idiot lights. Often, by the time they come on, it is too late.

The mechanic cranked the car and it sounded like I might have thrown a rod. 

Monday the mechanic will call the company he bought the engine from. It had a six month warranty. Even if the warranty covers the expense of transportation of a ‘new’ used engine, there will still be the labor for installation, around $700 probably. 


We are not without wheels since we have garaged Joel’s 1991 Honda Civic while he is overseas. It is a little tough for LaVerne to get in and out and the A/C has not worked for years (decades?), but at least we are mobile. My next trip is April 21 to Crimea — not sure LaVerne will want to drive it while I am gone, but maybe we can have our van back by then. 

Keep praying for Sergei Golovin as they prepare him for surgery to repair a damaged ureter. They are not certain yet about the course of action to take.
On the brighter side, the stitches were removed from my eye on Thursday. Feels good once again. 

I had TIA symptoms two months ago but after exhaustive tests no significant problems were found that could be the source. I even had my head examined (MRI) but they found nothing there. Except some minor ischemic damage from who knows when, but not in an area that affects speech or motor skills. 

The staff in Crimea continues to be voices for the Lord with the 20 residents and other guests, though that actually violates the law I have written about. 

The seminary that I taught in recently has students from Ukraine, Moldova, and Belarus. A few of the students serve in the war zone in the eastern part of Ukraine. They all are bivocational. I have taught apologetics, Life of Christ, History of Israel, and will teach World Religions in May. Their responses are encouraging, though their academic ability varies considerably. 
Appreciate your prayers, and joining in with praises,
Georges and LaVerne