I have no updates about the anti-witnessing law in Russia and Crimea, but in Crimea no one has faced persecution by means of it, yet. Those who witness and teach Bible at the House on the Hill do it at some risk. But only if someone wants to get someone else in trouble, is the law likely to be employed against us. 
The law mainly protects the Orthodox against Protestant evangelism.

A paragraph from a missionary who worked some 14 years in Crimea, in Simferopol and Sevastopol, and returned for a visit this past summer (where they still have a house they rent out):

-Being home was so good, but it was also really hard.  We realized that the place we’ve been homesick for doesn’t exist the same way as it did before.  It really is gone.  So I hope we’ve laid that grief to rest, and can now look forward to a new homecoming, wherever that may be.

Crimean Tatars in Crimea, according to various human rights watches, are still being systematically persecuted.
The goal is to have no one in Crimea who might dissent about the current regime or restriction of rights. 

Mulberry International that has done so much for orphans and street kids in Crimea till “the change” (a series of changes, actually!) is now helping displaced persons and others living near the conflict zone in Eastern Ukraine. The director is one of our graduates.
Of course, we have family in Christ and in Adam that are suffering tremendously in Syria and elsewhere.
Praying, praying. Helping where we can.

PS TMI needs more funding to do what it has been doing. We are short but we always make it. Without robbing TMI, if you could give a Thanksgiving/Christmas gift to Mulberry by Christmas, it will be matched. So, if you can, go for it. gpc

We want to also share a” golden opportunity” to help meet these needs.  Have you ever said “ I wish I could do more?”  Now you can.  You can double your gift and provide even more help.

We have been blessed by an individual who has offered to match every dollar given up to $10,000 for new or extra gifts given before Christmas.  Praise the Lord!  May we embrace this challenge with open hearts.