Carillets’ January Newsletter Update – with Andrei Taran

This edition features in pictures Andrei and my January roadtrip that included visiting friends, meeting with church committees, eating at church dinners, speaking at churches, visiting colleges, and seeing the countryside — and riding the zip line at a camp in Indiana not far from Louisville, KY.  The shot of us doing yard work in FL was taken just some days ago. Yeah, we represent quite a contrast to weather north of us. I am sparing your feelings by not sending a picture of me in the swimming pool after the yard work. 

Update on LaVerne

On the 18th of November LaVerne’s knee cap was realigned and reattached. More than two weeks later it had to be reopenedbecause of infection, which reoccurred one week later! She was put on an antibiotic intravenously for almost six weeks.  The knee hashealedpraise the Lord! Now she is going through physiotherapy. The right ankle fusion surgery is on hold till the left leg is strong.


Until we have a surgery date, I cannot set my date for a two-month return to Ukraine. LaVerne is not likely to be ready for a return to Ukraine till late August, assuming her surgery rehab goes well. We would return together at that time. 


Though the political situation in Ukraine is far from stable, life pretty well goes on as usual for most Ukrainians. We expect our ministry to continue as usual as long as there is no military action in Crimea. My staff continues their routine work and prepares for special events. I keep in touch via email and Skype or Google Chat. My CIU administration work takes place wherever I am — have computer and Internet, will travel.


Please pass on the attachment concerning service opportunities. I know the timing is bad for Ukraine right now, and one spring team planning to go to Kiev will now serve for a week or ten days in Berlin. 


Please pray for Andrei Taran as he prepares to take the GRE and pass a test on Developmental Psychology to meet the requirements for applying to one of the colleges he visited. Then pray that — if it is within God’s will for Andrei — he will not only be admitted to a college for masters workin counseling, but that sufficient funding can be found. The latter is only possible if God moves mountains. And sometimes he does just that. 




Georges & LaVerne