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1954  Serving the people of Poland for sixty years  2014

Polish Christian Ministries
June 2014

“Remember us in your prayers,…” Pray this prayer from Ephesians 1.  


 I keep asking that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Father,  may give you the Spirit  of wisdom  and revelation, so that you may know him better18 I pray also that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened  in order that you may know the hope to which he has called  you, (know) the riches  of his glorious inheritance  in the saints,  19 and (know) his incomparably great power for us who believe. 

                    Short Term Teams serving this month 
            Three short term teams are serving the Polish people this month

   Pictured L to R going from Brighton Christian, MI: Paula, Suzy, Richard, Sarah, David, Sandy, and Dennis; going from Rockville Christian, IN: Cindy, Anna, Ethan, Rachel, and Ben; going from Savannah Christian, GA: Tom, Sonya, Dan, Morgan, and Mickey.

   Please pray for these US teams traveling to Poland to assist in evangelistic outreaches:
* Holocaust Survivors from Israel hosted by the “Send Me” ministry (Savannah Christian, GA, Rockville Christian, IN, and others)
* Ukrainian children hosted by Ostroda Camp (Brighton Christian, MI, and others)
* Polish children’s outreach organized by Hosanna Church in Lublin (Fairmount Christian, Mechanicsville, VA)

Please pray for David and Sandy as they lead these short term teams in Poland this month

Pray for Dan Hyer and Suzy Mitchell as they intern with PCM in Poland this summer

Pray for the Polish churches: 
  • for their efforts to reach neighborhoods and cities with the good news of the gospel
  • Gdynia Church on June 7-8 (David and Sandy, Ben and Rachel will be traveling there)
  • for the Festival of Hope in Warsaw at the Pepsi Arena (June 14-15) to reach many with the hope found in Jesus
  • for the Warsaw Polnoc church as they close on a loan for their building at the end of June
  • for Tytus Pikalski and the pre-church plant in Siedlce who needs a place to meet

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Booth #339

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Polish Christian Ministries | 2410 Creswell Road | Bel Air | MD | 21015