Eastern Christian Conference
In This Issue
Lunch with Buddy Greene!
e2 at the ECC

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  June 2014

Lunch with Buddy Greene!

On Saturday, enjoy a delicious lunch and mini-concert with songwriter, storyteller, and harmonica master Buddy Greene! Tickets are reasonably priced so families or staff groups can enjoy the experience together. Click here for more information and a registration form!  


e2 at the ECC

This year, Dr. David Roadcup and Dr. Jim Estep will be leading six sessions for elders and church leaders. Along with Dr. Gary Johnson, Roadcup and Estep launched “e2” in 2009. This ministry is devoted to equipping effective elders, helping them develop leadership skills, and providing practical resources and personal help.

We’re so excited to have e2 as part of the ECC. Here are the six workshops David and Jim will be sharing:

Moving! Implementing Change in Your Congregation
Change is often a confusing idea, and an even more challenging thing to accomplish. Jim will explain four practical steps to implementing effective change in your congregation, based on the metaphor of moving.

The Major Keys for Personal Spiritual Growth in the Life of 
a Church Leader
The heart of our service as leaders comes from the personal spiritual growth we experience. This workshop will cover God’s call to us to grow and talk about what we need to do in our daily lives to grow in our interior world. We will especially discuss “ministering from the overflow.”

Equipping Elders (and Potential Elders) to Lead
The church needs leaders, but what can be done to form, nurture, train, and equip individuals to grow into leaders? Jim will explore the meaning of leadership and practical ways to have an intentional process of leadership formation in your congregation.

How to Effectively Handle and Manage Conflict in the Life of a Church
Every church will struggle with conflict and distress in its work and life. This workshop will cover types of conflict and the six necessary elements involved in bringing about a biblical and practical solution.

Assessing the Condition of Your Church
How are you doing? How do you know? This workshop will identify the key benchmarks of a healthy congregation, and provide biblical and practical insights for improving the health of your ministry. 

Biblical and Relational Church Governance: How Elders and 
Staff Lead a Church
The organization of a leadership team definitely influences how effective that leadership team will be. This workshop will discuss biblical organization and structure for effectiveness and fruitfulness in the life of a church. Elders and staff are especially encouraged to attend.