Don´t want to even think how the community of Carolina´s is going through all this rain.


The last person who came from there (one of those who come to eat here daily) said the 

waters were up to his waist in some areas. The worst isn´t the water, it´s the debri and trash

that run through it, plus snakes and alligators that wade through all this (the community is

near a very polluted lake and several alligators and snakes live all around the area…). I have 

seen the alligators in shallow water. Very scary….  


Last Thursday we did not have any rain,  so we were able to have our outdoor worship and study group.

Not many were present due to flooding in their area and so many have caught “chicungunha” sickness.

There were 14 adults present and 11 children. Kalinka and Junior prepared 100 sandwiches to serve.

But there were no left overs, since they took the extras home for their next meals. Praise the Lord

we had this lunch for them. Praise the Lord for the great study that Pr. Bruno brought on baptism.

Those present were able to understand very well.


Open this video of raft taking people from one place to the other by clicking here. It is not free though so

not very many get to go on the raft. This is in the Carolinas community…. The three other pictures are

the main street and a man fishing at his front door in the polluted water. No doubt he is only getting

small fish which he will probably use as bait in the ocean which is not far from here.

Pray for our new brothers and sisters who are going through this difficulty. Some have water in their homes

and shacks…. 


There is one lady and her daughter (who is schizophrenic) who live from going to free therapies

and free clinics for medication (and also for daily meals when possible) and begging in the streets who

have a home offered for them to live in but it has holes and cracks in the roofing that need to be repaired

so they won´t have water coming down from roof. Prayer for them also to get someone to pay for the 

roofing and we will provide for them to be fixed…..


What can we do for these brothers and sisters? 


They need water filters, drinkable water,  food, repairs on roofing, floors, mattresses, beds, clothing,

sheets, pillowcases, towels, etc… In neighboring districts some have lost their homes with everything

in them. There were four deaths in one area. 


You see despair everywhere. What can we do? 


A large prayer item for all of you who read this email. But please really pray. Just take five minutes off

you schedule and pray. We thank you greatly.


God bless,

Starla Joy