Prayer is powerful. Therefore, “be persistent in prayer…giving thanks.” Col. 4:2
We write this letter to ask you to join us in prayer.
As the Bible says in James 5:16: “…The earnest prayer of a righteous man has great power and wonderful results.”
We are sure that great power will come and there will be wonderful results from your prayers.
Difficulties have increased. Problems have reached high peaks. We are at a point where we cannot take another step forward. Our way is blocked. Only prayer can open the way, because God answers prayers.
Remember our work and our family in your daily prayers asking the Lord to open doors for the following matters:
1.       That the Lord will provide food baskets and medication for the needy.
2.       That we may continue and increase the donation of daily hot meals.
3.       Starting an evangelizing English course.
4.       Setting up the Sewing Cooperative.
5.       Starting the Christian Church in our neighborhood.
6.       That we may continue our work with the needy.
7.       That there will be more donations to pay our regular monthly bills,
which have gotten behind, due to the dwindling of funds.
8.       That the Lord will open doors to resolve our health issues.
9.       That the Lord will open a door for us to go to the US to visit churches, brothers and sisters and friends to raise support and seek solutions for our health issues.
Could you please get one more person to pray for these requests?
Serving Christ in Northeast Brazil
Starla Joy