From one of our CIU (CAC) graduates who was my student and was baptized by a member of a visiting mission team from Southeast Christian Church, Louisville, KY … years ago … but only now sent a letter to her parents explaining that she is a Christian … her parents are not …

“To my dear prayer warriors,

“the letter is going to be delivered to my parents tomorrow. By a strange coincidence tomorrow is my mother’s birthday. It looks like it will break her heart, but I want to be consistent and won’t intervene in how things unfold. Please, pray for protection over my sister (she is going to visit my parents with her baby tomorrow), for my mother’s heart and for my father’s reaction. He will be at work tomorrow and is going to see the letter later in the evening (if my mother doesn’t get rid of it). This is it. Nine and a half years of doubt, fear and nightmares have come to an end. I will be free tomorrow. Thanks for your concern and participation. Love you all!”

4 hrs ·June 29


“So the story isn’t over yet. The letter has been delivered to my mother this noon. She read it and called me on skype. She was completely ok with me being a Christian, but she said she wouldn’t be able to share the letter with my dad. She is too scared of his reaction. My mom also wanted to make sure I’m not in a sect. Praise God for her reaction! It will still take me some time and effort to let my Dad know about my faith. Thank you everyone for your constant prayers and support! Love you all! Let Jesus be glorified in everything we do!

“Pray for the maximizing of my time with my staff these three weeks — as God counts maximizing.

“Pray for wisdom about some major maintenance projects, which I will write about once I make a decision about them. 

“Pray for our English Summer School this week. I teach high school students and adults in the evening”

