Total number of women and men helped to date: 4,577
(25% increase from same period last year)
Total number of clients with loans outstanding: 1,252
Number of new clients this quarter: 276
Outstanding loan balance: $575,851
Number of new loans this quarter: 173 (57% increase from the previous quarter)
Total amount of funds loaned out this quarter: $246,882 (36% increase from the previous quarter)
Loan repayment rate: 96%
Number of clients trained: 131
Number of potential clients currently in training meetings: 216
Total number of business accountability groups now: 232 (18 new groups added this quarter)
Total amount of money SAVED by clients to date: $433,892
Number of clients waiting for subsequent loans: 1,439 (53% increase from the previous quarter)
Number of clients who have completed training and await first loans: 493
Number of clients this quarter who reached a point of business sustainability and no longer need a loan: 43