CMF International Marketplace Ministries

An Entrepreneur like You is making a BigDent

Lisa Emerson, of Gresham, Oregon, began making jewelry as a hobby about 3 years ago. She soon turned the hobby into a successful business. But something didn’t feel quite right to her.

“I had been praying for more purpose behind my business because it felt shallow and self-centered,” she said. “I felt the Lord wanted to mature my faith so I could be a steward of this gift.”

She saw a TV documentary, “Living on a Dollar a Day,” that highlighted the effects of microfinance programs on very poor people. When CMF missionaries Keith and Kathy Ham visited her church, Keith mentioned BigDent and something clicked!

“I knew this was the answer to my prayers,” said Lisa. “I just connected with the idea of people having the opportunity to provide for their families and have hope for their children’s futures.”

Lisa committed to give 30% of her profits to BigDent clients because she wants to be as generous and effective as possible.

“I now know what it feels like to truly be in God’s will and to be working for the right purpose,” she said. “I was having stress and confusion over the place my business had in my life. But now my heart is really full and my cup is overflowing with joy!”
You can fill your heart with overflowing joy like Lisa by investing in the microloan of an entrepreneur today!

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