Breaking the poverty cycle

Donors make success possible for hard-working Kenyans

Grace lives in Mathare Valley with her family. She joined a Missions of Hope group in 2009 and has been a part of the microfinance program since then. Previously, Grace sold products along the highway to commuters. She did not make enough money to support her family and constantly struggled to provide for her children. She has taken several loans from BigDent and steadily grown her business. She is now the chairlady of her self-help group and is repaying her fifth loan, which has allowed her to rent a shop so business can flourish. She has also added grain products to her shop, which should further boost her profits. Grace is very happy with how MOHI has helped turn her life around, and grateful for how far she has come. She has big plans for her future as well.
Alice is a relatively new client who joined a MOHI microfinance group last year. She owns a small restaurant in Kayole that was struggling to generate income. Alice was unable to keep her business running or provide for the needs of her family. She began attending business trainings, took a loan and upgraded her business. This changed her business and helped her get back on her feet. While she still struggles a bit with school fees for her children, she is very excited about how far this first loan has taken her. Alice has plans to stick with the MOHI program so she can continue to stabilize her business and better care for her family.
Abed lives in Dandora with his wife and children and owns a small general shop. Previously, he was unable to put his children in school because there was not enough money to pay the school fees. After he joined a MOHI self-help group, Abed was able to improve the quality of his business and enroll his children in school. He is very grateful for the loan he has received and is excited to grow his business so he can continue to improve the quality of life for his family. 
Loise has been a member of a MOHI microfinance self-help group for three years. She runs a second-hand clothing shop in Mathare Valley. She was selling clothes out of a shed near her house but her business was unable to support her and her family. However, she took several loans and has upgraded her business. She now rents a shop along a busy street where her business can thrive and generate a good income. Her goal is to continue growing her business until she can purchase her own plot. She is very grateful for how BigDent has affected her life and looks forward to continue growing her business’ stability. 


Yunis is a single mother of four grown children. She lives in Mathare, where she has runs a business selling produce from a small roadside stand for four years. She is currently repaying her third MOHI loan. Because the first two loans were so helpful in boosting her business, she has been using the third loan to start a business for one of her daughters. She is grateful that BigDent has not only helped her maintain a stable business, but is now helping her children grow and maintain healthy businesses.
Sarah lives with her husband and four children in Kosovo, and has operated a produce stand in her community for ten years. Some of her children are currently enrolled in the Missions of Hope school in Kosovo. Sarah was connected to the BigDent microfinance program through her children’s social worker. She is currently repaying her fourth loan and is very pleased by how these loans have grown her business. Her husband is very supportive and happy that they do not have to struggle to pay their children’s school fees. Sarah is looking toward the future when she can expand her stand into a grocery shop with more products. 
Wilkister lives in Mathare Valley with her family. She is currently repaying her fifth MOHI loan. Through these loans she has been able to start and grow a new business and has become financially stable. She is able to pay her children’s school fees and provide for her family’s other needs. With her last loan, Wilkister purchased a motorcycle so she can transport goods herself. She is now averaging a daily income of about $10 and is very happy with how BigDent has assisted her.

You made a difference!

Stats tell a story of growth

Total number of women and men helped to date: 4,344

(28% increase from same period last year)  

Total number of clients with loans outstanding: 1,209

Number of new clients this quarter: 314
(44% increase from the previous quarter)  

Outstanding loan balance: $561,451

Number of new loans this quarter: 110  

Total amount of funds loaned out this quarter: $241,994 
(36% increase from the previous quarter) 

Loan repayment rate: 97%

Number of clients trained: 65

Number of potential clients currently in training meetings: 328

Total number of business accountability groups now: 215 
(11 new groups added this quarter)

Total amount of money SAVED by clients to date: $393,425

Number of clients waiting for subsequent loans: 941

Number of clients who have completed training and await first loans: 535

Number of clients this quarter who reached a point of business sustainability and no longer need a loan: 75


In Quotes

“Poverty is not created by poor people; it is created by the system we have built. We want to create a counterforce financial system where you bring opportunities to those at the bottom. Ending extreme poverty is very difficult, but we don’t give up just because it’s hard; it makes us more determined to make it happen.” – Professor Muhammad Yunus, from his keynote speech at the 17th Microcredit Summit, Mexico, Sept. 2014 

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