Thank you so much for your prayers!  My gall bladder surgery was very successful and I am feeling very well.  I did have concerns about travelling back to North America just two weeks after my surgery. I decided not to use a wheel chair because I wanted to walk around for leg circulation since I had to sit for such a long time on the plane.  I requested others to help lift my suitcases and carry-on. The doctor advised me not to lift anything heavy for a month.  I was able to get the help I needed everywhere I went. Thank you for your prayers for my travels.  It was my first time going through Beijing, China.  They over investigated my carry-on but otherwise it was a modern airport like anywhere in the world.  
       I am staying at my youngest daughter Elizabeth’s apartment in Toronto, Canada with son-in-law Josep and 21 month old grandson, Marc.  I share a room with Marc!  He is very cute and active. His favourite words are”no!” and “mine!”  Hopefully he will outgrow that – although some people never do! I have already visited with Daniel’s niece Zamiram and her son Matthew and my aunt Shirley who is 85 years old.
       I had my pre-surgery appointment and check up and all went well with that.  My knee replacement surgery is scheduled for Thursday, June 30th.  Please pray for a safe and successful surgery.  I have a young woman surgeon as my previous surgeon retired last year.  Another prayer request is for a rehab center where I can recuperate and do the very necessary physio exercises for my knees.  The Ontario government funded rehabs are only available for serious cases.  I was told it is next to impossible for me to get in.  So I am looking into private rehab places.  Since I do not have anyone available to care for me and no home here, please pray that God will provide the best place for my rehab and fast recovery.  
       I would love to meet with any of you who live nearby.  After my surgery, I am not allowed to fly or drive long distances for three months.  So, only in late September can I travel outside of Ontario.  After that, I will head back to Thailand some time in October, Lord willing.
             My cell no. here is:  647-772-4074
             My email is:  bkalnin(at) (personal)
                               flcthai(at) (mission)
             My daughter’s address is:    400 Walmer Road
                                                        East Apt. #430
                                                        Toronto, ON
                                                         M5P 2X7
       Before I left, Beulah Christian Church in Chiangmai, Thailand invited me to a farewell meal and then the leaders laid hands on me and prayed for safe travels and successful surgery.  FLC Akha tribal evangelists and churches also took up a collection for my medicine expenses.  I was so touched by their love and concern.  They also shared that after my surgeries, I will be so much stronger and able to serve the Lord even better than before. That encouraged me so much.
       May the Lord also encourage you, and fill you with His Love, Joy and Peace.
             “Finally, brothers and sisters, rejoice! Strive for full restoration, encourage one another, 
              be of one mind, live in peace.  And the God of love and peace be with you.” (NIV)