Thank you so much for your loving prayers.  This has been a difficult time for all of us here.  Our faithful FLC staff worker Deezi Pungya passed away on Tuesday, May 17th.  He was my late husband Daniel’s nephew.  He was working so hard on finishing the Bay Yai Sai village church building and wanted to dedicate it before I left for Canada.  However, God had other plans – and took him on to heaven. 


       I had planned on leaving earlier to have my gall bladder surgery in Canada but found out that would involve a six month wait.  I was having gall bladder attacks more and more frequently and it was getting dangerous for me to postpone the surgery.  I didn’t understand it at the time but our Lord sees the future as we cannot.  I am so thankful now that I was able to remain in Chiangmai and pray for Deezi and family before he passed away.  We read scripture, encouraged and prayed with him.  I have heard before that people in commas can sometimes hear what we say.  We also prayed and encouraged his wife Dandenia and family.


       My surgery in Chiangmai was scheduled for the day after Deezi passed away.  Thankfully, my surgeon was willing to reschedule it for Saturday after the funeral.  We had three days of funeral as is the custom here.  From Wednesday, May 18th to the 20th, we had services every night with a different preacher each time.  I sang “It is Well with My Soul”, Deezi’s favourite hymn in Rawang and English, there were choirs and special songs, and testimonies about Deezi from family, friends and fellow workers, including Deezi’s oldest daughter Apinya and my daughter Sonya.  The church was packed with family, friends, fellow evangelists and ministers and villagers with whom Deezi had worked. I was touched that even my Buddhist gardener and his wife were there.  The funeral services were very moving and convicting. Thank you for your prayers


       The actual funeral was on Friday morning.  I was asked to share the closing message on Friday night.  I shared about Deezi’s life and his good qualities.  Then, I challenged us all to love, serve and care for each other as Deezi had done. Since the attendees came from many different churches, I emphasized that we are all the body of Christ and that there should not be competition, slander and division but instead building each other up in love as our Lord Jesus taught and exemplified.  As soon as I finished speaking and sat down, I began to experience pain in my chest and it soon developed into a very severe gall bladder attack.  It lasted all night and at three in the morning, the pain was so bad that I called my daughter Sonya to take me to the hospital earlier than scheduled. Thankfully, after they administered pain relief to me, I was able to get a few hours rest before my surgery.  The operation was successful and they removed a huge, 20 cm (1 inch) gall stone from me!  


       When I was discharged from the hospital on Monday and returned to my apartment, I found to my dismay that they had started heavy construction in the rooms next to me.  With saws and hammers in full swing and all the saw dust, I realized it was not a good place for me to rest after my surgery! I moved to our Kalnin Leadership Center (KLC) outside the city and had a wonderful rest there until Saturday.  Saliga came out to cook and care for me.  She is such a blessing to me.  Praise God, I am now without pain and doing very well.


       I will be flying back to Toronto, Canada on June 7th and will stay with my daughter Elizabeth and family.  I am scheduled for left knee replacement surgery on June 30th.  Please pray for safe travels for me to Canada.  The doctor warned me not to lift anything heavy for one month. Since I am travelling alone, I need to ask for a wheel chair and assistance with my bags.  Please also pray that my surgery in Canada will be successful and for speedy healing and recovery.  I am eager to get back to the mission work in Thailand!  Most of all, pray for Deezi’s family as they are grieving his death and for God to comfort, strengthen and provide for all their needs.


       Attached is a tribute to Deezi’s life.  Please read it and pray for his family and for the Lord to raise up others to carry on his ministry.


Deezi’s favourite verse was Deuteronomy 6: 5 “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength.”  


May this scripture also guide our hearts and lives.

