Happy New Year 2016!  I send my love and greetings to you as we all begin a new year – and new adventures in life.  First of all, I would like to share a thought with you that I read just yesterday, January 2nd, from Charles Stanley’s book, “Pathways to His Presence”.  
       “If we listen to the whispers of the world, it is possible for us to lose our focus in life.  We can get caught up in life and forget about God’s big picture of redemption. We could miss the open door of opportunity swinging wide in front of us…  So here we stand at the beginning of a new year of opportunities circling all around us – opportunities that could impact the world in an eternal way.  God doesn’t open doors for us to simply peer through them; He opens them so we will pass through them with faith that He will empower us to do His kingdom work. Standing before an open door never resulted in a single changed life.  However, walking through an open door has changed the lives of millions.  Are you willing to walk through it?”
       December was a busy month for me as I imagine it was for you too.  I made the decision not to return to my large house in the countryside outside of Chiangmai since I am now living alone.  I had rented my house to a Singaporean family with ten children (!) while I studied at Tyndale Seminary in Canada.  They moved out and since my return to Chiangmai in mid October, I have been repairing and restoring the house so that I can rent it out once again.  Quite a chore but thankfully I have the help of my former house helper and others to get it back in shape. I hope that it will soon be ready to rent out once again.  At the same time, I have been looking for a suitable apartment close to Beulah Christian Church and the market.  In December, I found a small studio apartment very near where we had live for 20 years.  It is an adjustment for me as I have never lived alone or in a small apartment before.  I prayed for a friend in the apartment building and a week later met a wonderful Chinese Christian women who just happens to live across the hall from me! She is a science teacher at the International School in Chiangmai where my children had attended.  Her husband works for Wycliffe mission. She shared her amazing life story with me, suggested that we can pray together and is interested in getting more involved in missions.  I was so encouraged by that!
        I was able to visit and preach at the first village that Daniel and I founded back in 1974.  The pastor’s children had lived and attended school with us in the mission. Now three of them have graduated from Bible college and are pastoring both in their home village and in Chiangmai too.  The pastor’s youngest daughter left her work in Chiangmai to care for her ailing mother.  When I complimented her on her loving care and service not only for her mother but for all the visitors, she responded that she learned that from us.  The pastor’s sons shared with me that they learned to minister with dedication from watching Daniel and I as we served in the villages.  It was very special to observe first hand our labours of many years now bearing fruit. 
       The King of Thailand’s birthday is on December 5th.  The Thais celebrate by putting up lights and decorations all over the towns and cities and keeping them up throughout December. Ninety – seven percent of Thais are Buddhists but they love to celebrate Christmas as well.  Although they view it (as much of the world does) as a time of parties and gift giving, they also are attracted to the message of love and peace. It is a wonderful time to invite friends and neighbours to Christmas programs and celebrations as we have done at Beulah Christian Church and in the village churches as well. The joyous occasion of celebrating Jesus’ birth and the message of hope and salvation through Jesus is one that touches the hearts of the Thai people. My part was small in this year’s celebration; singing two solos with my Korean friend Barbie, accompanying me on piano.  Barbie (Roeunah), an orchestra conductor along with her husband, Pastor Bobby Hwang Sung, gave up their home and careers in Korea to work with me in Thailand teaching violin to our church’s young people as well as to Laotian orphans.  They desire to serve even more in the future.  I was encouraged to see our young people taking a lead in planning and organizing many of the Christmas events this year, including two plays, special music, testimonies, leading worship and gift exchanges as well as witnessing and giving out tracts.  They are the future of the Thai churches and need our support and encouragment!
       This year, I celebrated Christmas in Bangkok with my daughter Sonya and family and visited with many of Sonya’s friends as well. Then we flew down to Penang, Malaysia to spend time with son-in-law Jason’s family as they are going through a very tough time.  Jason’s father is in the last stages of cancer and requires around the clock care from the family.  We came to visit, help practically, encourage and pray with them.  Today, Maggie requested singing many of Peng Siew’s favourite hymns and Christmas songs along with prayer for him and the whole family.  This is a time when friends and family are needed to help lift the heavy load from a suffering family. 
My part was very small but I am so glad I came here too.
         This coming year will open many new doors of opportunity for the mission work and also for helping family, friends and needy people in the community.  May we all reach out to a lost and lonely world seeking the message of love and hope that only Jesus can offer – and only through us as His hands and feet.  
Please pray for:
1.  The Burma Barefoot Doctor School begins on January 11th.  The first week is Bible teaching.  I am one of teachers along with Pastor Simon Percy and team from UK. Following, will be the medical training.  Please pray for the safe arrival of the students, their health and safety as well as all the teachers, staff and training will be mightily guided and empowered by God.
2.  Please pray for Jason’s father, Peng Siew in his last stage of cancer and for his family at this difficult time
3.  Pray for FLC mission as we work to build spiritual revival, unity, support and new outreaches throughout Thailand, Myanmar and Laos
4.  Please pray for me; for wisdom, guidance and power from God for my ministry and for the family.  That I will find a good family to rent my house and for complete healing of my knees. 
Thank you for your prayers and encouragement!  Here is my prayer for you too:
“And this is my prayer: that your love may abound more and more in knowledge and depth of insight, so that you may be able to discern what is best and may be pure and blameless until the day of Christ, filled with the fruit of righteousness that comes from Jesus Christ – to the glory and praise of God.”  Philippians 1:9-11 (NIV)
May God bless, guide and open many doors of opportunity for you this New Year of 2016,