At the present time, I am healing from both my gall bladder surgery and left knee replacement. I have had to slow down, rest and depend on God.  Sometimes it has been very frustrating!  My desire is to be busy doing many things but my strength and energy have been limited.  However God is encouraging me with His love and care, letting me know that this is the time to be healed, restored and refreshed both physically and spiritually – time that would not normally be available.  Could God be sharing the same message with you?  Slow down and devote time to the Lord, ourselves and others who need our love and care.  Psalms 23 speaks of Jesus, the Good Shepherd providing abundantly for us.  Here is a new version of Psalms 23 that brings fresh insight into this well loved scripture.  
 Psalms 23
The Eternal is my shepherd, He cares for me always.
 He provides me rest in rich, green fields

    beside streams of refreshing water.

    He soothes my fears;

 He makes me whole again,

    steering me off worn, hard paths

    to roads where truth and righteousness echo His name.


 Even in the unending shadows of death’s darkness,

    I am not overcome by fear.

Because You are with me in those dark moments,

    near with Your protection and guidance,

    I am comforted.


You spread out a table before me,

provisions in the midst of attack from my enemies;

You care for all my needs, anointing my head with soothing, fragrant oil,

filling my cup again and again with Your grace.

 Certainly Your faithful protection and loving provision will pursue me

    where I go, always, everywhere.
I will always be with the Eternal,

    in Your house forever.             


             The Voice (VOICE)


          I am now at Tyndale Seminary and will be here until mid September.  I have really enjoyed spending time visiting, encouraging and praying with the summer students (all 12 of us) as well as staff and students on campus.  For the most part, it is quiet in the summer, although recently we had a sports camp of over 100 kids here.  As you can imagine, they were noisy and lively as kids tend to be!  I am doing my physio exercises daily and twice a week at St. John’s Rehab, very close to here.  Wednesday chapel service is a highlight for me as is attending church on Sunday mornings.  Other than that, my days are pretty routine compared to my time in Thailand!  


          I love visiting my daughter Elizabeth, Josep and grandson Marc in Toronto as well as my niece Zamiram and her son Matthew. Josep’s brother and family from Barcelona visited here as did Josep’s parents this past week.  Son Chris and 3 year old grand daughter Kate paid us a visit a few weeks back.  It was so fun and noisy having all the kids together in Elizabeth’s small apartment. Good news family-wise is that both Chris’ wife Rebecca is expecting a baby girl in January and Elizabeth is expecting a baby in late February. I have been blessed with many grandchildren! Chris informed me that my role now is to teach the grand children the Bible as I taught my own kids many years ago.  So, I am now preparing for that, searching for quality Bible materials for children that really teach the Bible, not just gloss over it.  One Bible story book I used in Thailand to teach our Abundant Life children did not include the story of Abraham sacrificing Isaac. I was shocked that such a significant story, a foreshadow of God’s willing sacrifice of His only Son Jesus for our sins was avoided. I shared that story with the children, explaining and applying the message in a way that they would understand!


          I will move to my daughter’s apartment the last two weeks of September.  From there I will fly on to Denver in early October to visit son Chris and family (and do my assigned Bible teaching!) as well as meet with the FLC USA board and visit friends there. Then, with a short stop in Victoria to visit family, I will fly on to Thailand the last week of October.  Please pray that God will strengthen and enable me to get everything important done before I return to Thailand. I must reapply for a one year non-immigrant visa for Thailand, continue my physio, be checked and approved by my surgeon for traveling to Thailand, meet with FLC Canada and US boards, visit fellow students, professors, friends and supporters interested in Thailand ministry and many other personal matters. 


 Praise         I thank God and all of you, my faithful friends and prayer partners for my successful surgeries, healing and recovery, encouraging visits with family and friends and God’s direction in bringing me to North America at this time.


Prayer Requests

1.  FLC will be holding a Thailand evangelists’ Bible seminar next week.  Pray for God to guide, empower and bless the seminar, the evangelists, teachers and staff.


2. My Korean friends and co-workers at Beulah Church in Chiangmai, Pastor Bobby and Barbie will be presenting a major concert in Chiangmai with both their Korean orchestra and our local Thai Beulah church members performing on Saturday, September 3rd. Pray that it will be successful and a good witness to the Thai people. 

3. For God to bless, protect and lead FLC Myanmar evangelists and Barefoot Doctors as they minister to the people physically and spiritually in remote and difficult areas of Myanmar.

4. Please also pray for the completion of the Bay Yai Sai church building. This is now the heavy monsoon rainy season making it treacherous to carry building supplies up the steep mountain slopes to the village.  Pray for God’s protection on all the builders and church members.  There are many animist villagers observing all that is happening.   

5. FLC office manager, Sarep Pung’s sister is critically ill with cancer in a Chiangmai hospital.  His brother died this year also.  Please pray for Sarep Pung, his sister and family at this very difficult time.  

6. Pray for Cecilia, who had the serious car accident in Toronto last year.  She is improving but her leg must straighten out so she can walk without pain.  Also pray that God will open her mother’s heart to know Jesus as her loving Saviour.  She is totally opposed right now.

7.  Please pray for my complete healing and preparations for returning to Thailand.  Pray that God will open many new doors for the ministry while I am in North America.  

