The movie Captain Phillips dramatized problems in Somalia – pirates and warlords in a failed state. Today the Somali people are rebuilding their country. Piracy has dwindled and governments are more stable, especially in the north. Somali life is still difficult, but many are hopeful. Somalia is a Muslim country, and although Muslims believe that God sent Jesus with a gospel, most have never read it. Don Tingle wrote 28 Days with Matthew to help people, especially Muslims, understand the gospel better. It was printed in Albanian in 2012 with LATM’s aid. Now it is ready in Somali (a new LATM language, by the way, number 61!). The book will be available to Somalis in Africa, Europe and North America. News of this publication will probably not become a sensational movie, but as Somalis read about Jesus in their own language, it will be dramatic.