Interviews with the Translators

Craig and Katy Bennett

Serving the Bible-less in Vanuatu

Bennett family sitting in a tree
It Touches Our Hearts
“It touches our hearts.” That’s what many of our translators told me when I asked them what it was like to read the Bible in their own languages. During the last VISTA module, I sat down for a few minutes with some of our translators to ask them questions about what it means to them to translate and read the Bible in their own languages.

I heard the same story multiple times: When the Bible first came, it was only in English, and many times in the King James Version which is even harder to understand for someone who speaks little or no English. Now as they translate God’s word, they are able to read it and share it in their own languages:  the languages that they speak at home, the languages that they speak with their children, the languages of their hearts. They told me that when they read God’s words in their own language that it touches their hearts. One Hano speaker said about the trade langauge, “Bislama, its words are not heavy, but our language, Hano, its words are heavy. When we read the Bible in Hano it will be meaningful to us.”

In Bislama there are two words for “we.” There is mifala, which means “us but not you.” And then there is yumi, which means “you and me,” or “us and you.” We want you to know that when we talk about the work that “we” are accomplishing through the VISTA program that we’re talking about yumi, us and you. We can never say enough that this is not our (the Bennetts’) ministry, but this is OUR ministry, yours and ours. We couldn’t accomplish this without your financial partnership and your prayers and we want to say “thank you.” When you give and when you pray, you are doing the work of bringing the Bible into the heart languages of the ni-Vanuatu people. And for that both we and they are eternally grateful!

An Interview with VISTA Translator Dick Bule
Most of the translators preferred to be interviewed in Bislama, but Elder Dick agreed to do his interview in English so I have shared it here. I am sorry for the poor quality, I am a terrible videographer and it was quite windy the day that I filmed these, but I hope you can look past that and see the difference that you are making through your commitment to the VISTA program.
An Update on Our Teammates
Many of you have asked for news about our teammates so I thought I would include a short update here. The Thompsons and sweet baby Zoe are doing well and getting settled in the US for some well-deserved rest. Zoe is growing, smiling, cooing, rolling over, and doing all the things that a baby should. Please continue to pray as the Thompsons await their appointment in October where they hope to learn more about the extent of the damage that occurred to Zoe’s brain and what that may mean for her future and for their ministry.

Ryan and Jordan Kopke continue to grieve the death of Jordan’s father, Jim Reavis, as well as cope with some health issues of Jordan’s. In addition, Ryan’s mom is now facing cancer. Please pray for healing for Ryan’s mom, Janet Kopke, as well as peace and comfort for Jordan and her family.

As for the family we asked you to pray about several months back who was considering joining Pioneer Bible Translators in hopes of joining us in Vanuatu: its official, the Marshalls have been accepted by PBT and are beginning the training process with the goal of joining us here. We hope to introduce you to them in the coming months. Please be in prayer for them as they and their families and church adjust to the idea that they will eventually be living on the other side of the world!

Winter in Vanuatu
Yes, it is winter in Vanuatu, or as close to winter as we’ll ever get. Temperatures have been in the 70s at night and upper 70s to upper 80s during the day. It has been so nice to have a break from the heat. According to our thermometer the record low for the season (at least at our house) is 72 degrees and the lowest humidity was 51% although those didn’t happen at the same time! For a short time we were actually cold at night and had to get out some blankets, especially for the boys.

Along with the cooler temperatures we have had a season of better health for our family. Although we have still struggled with allergies, etc. it has been nothing like the first half of the year during which someone (or several someones) was sick almost continually with everything from strep throat to giardia to severe pink eye! We think some parasites were the root of the constant sickness that our family was experiencing and now that we have treated that, we are doing much better. Please join us in praising God for good health and for doctors and medicine.

Our Baby is 1!
In July Josiah turned 1! He is walking, running, climbing, playing, laughing, and causing as much trouble for all of us as he possibly can. Praise God with us for the life of our sweet boy and continue praying with us that he grows up healthy, happy, and devoted to Christ.

Elijah continues growing and learning as well, and is becoming quite a proficient reader. He is enjoying the local preschool and his ability to speak Bislama continues to surprise and amaze us!

Red Tape!
I had hoped that in this newsletter I could share with you some good news about Josiah’s residency visa situation, but sadly we still have no answers. We still have not been able to obtain the necessary paperwork for him despite countless efforts to do so. Please continue to pray earnestly about this issue, the longer it continues the more stressful it is for our family. Thank you again to all of you have prayed and given to help cover the unexpected additional costs that arose in our attempts to obtain the proper paperwork for Josiah. We hope to have triumphant news to share the next time we write to you!
Thank You for Sending Cards!
I’m sorry it has taken so long to tell you, but THANK YOU to all of you who sent cards for Craig’s birthday. It was such a nice surprise, he really enjoyed them. On the morning of his 30th birthday I had exactly 30 cards waiting to give to him, with one more arriving later that day, I guess he needed “one to grow on!” In the following weeks another 10 or 15 cards arrived, with some having been mistakenly routed through South America and Africa! Thank you to all of you who helped make Craig’s day special, he (and I) really appreciate you! 
The Word for the Month
Psalm 46:1-2, NLT

“God is our refuge and strength,
always ready to help in times of trouble.
So we will not fear when earthquakes come,
and the mountains crumble into the sea.”

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Check out our Facebook page for ministry updates, prayer requests, praises, family news, fun facts, missionary bloopers and more!
Pioneer Bible Translators exists to disciple the Bible-less, mobilizing God’s people to provide enduring access to God’s word. Our vision is to see transformed lives through God’s word in every langauge.
Copyright © 2016 Pioneer Bible Translators/Ministry of Craig and Katy Bennett, All rights reserved.