VISTA Module 6 Complete!
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Craig and Katy Bennett

Serving the Bible-less in Vanuatu

Bennett family sitting in a tree
VISTA Module 6 Is Complete
VISTA Module 6 is on the books and so is the Hebrew portion of this 4-year VISTA cycle! Over the last 4 weeks our translators have finished their Hebrew studies and translated the book of Jonah as well as portions of Isaiah and Jeremiah. Praise God with us for the completion of this module and for the Scripture that was translated. Pray with us that it will impact the hearts and minds of the Sa, Apma, Hano and Havai peoples.

Also during this module our translators worked with Global Recordings Network (GRN) to make audio recordings of Genesis 1-11 in all 4 languages. These recordings will enable us to share the translated Scripture quickly and easily through cell phones. This is important because while many ni-Vanuatu people are able to read English, French, or Bislama (the trade language), they are unable to read in their own native languages. Now, we can put the audio files onto SD cards and put them into cell phones and into the hands of people everywhere. This is much faster, easier, and more affordable than printing. Currently we are only able to publish enough paper copies of these Scripture portions to give one to each church, but there is no limit to the number of times we can copy these audio files to SD cards for mass distribution. Praise God for the way that technology is furthering his kingdom.

Below: GRN missionaries David and Gail Rogne work with our Havai translators in our makeshift recording studio. Our partner Rondy graciously took on the task of chasing away the chickens, pigs, and children who inadvertently made their way onto our recordings!

Red Tape
Good News! We finally have good news about Josiah’s visa. Since we last wrote to you, we received word that Josiah’s residence visa had been granted back in July. We still were unable to obtain a copy of the visa at first. Last week, Craig made another visit to the immigration office and was able to pick up Josiah’s immigration card! Please join us in praising God for Josiah’s visa. 

We were not able to get Josiah’s visa stamped into his passport. In order to get this stamp we will need to leave the country briefly and return. We anticipate making this trip at the end of January, probably to Australia. We’ll keep you updated as we learn more.

What are you doing Summer 2017???
What are you doing next summer? Are you interested in learning more about serving God overseas? Would you like to learn more about the ministries of Bible Translation, literacy, and support work? Consider joining us in Vanuatu for 8 weeks.

This coming summer Pioneer Bible Translators will offer its first ever summer internship to Vanuatu. If you are college-age and are interested in learning more about our ministry through first-hand experience, please consider applying here. We’d love to have you join us!

For any of you who don’t know: Craig and I were PBT summer interns in 2008, which is how we got to know (and love) our organization and fellow missionaries. That internship was a blessing and a learning experience for us in so many ways!

Meet the Translators!
Meet the Havai Translation Team. On the left is Pastor Christopher Karu, in the middle is Deacon Aram Tamata, and to the right is Father Reuben Tari. The Havai team is special, because they are working together to make one Bible translation that will serve all 3 dialects of the Havai language. This requires hard work, cooperation, and a willingness to work well as a team.

Missing from this photo is Micah Viro. He is our only translator from East Ambae. He did not come to the last module and checking session. If we cannot contact him by telephone soon, Craig and Pastor Vusi, the VISTA principal, will be traveling to Ambae to try to visit with him in person and restore him to the translation program. 

Please pray for all of the Havai translators as they work to bring God’s word into their language. Ask God to help them make a translation that is pleasing to all 3 dialects. Please pray especially for Micah, that we would soon be able to contact him and restore him to the VISTA program.

Updates on our Teammates
Thank you so much for all of your prayers for our teammates. It means so much to us and to them that you are talking to God about them!

Thank you for continuing to pray for sweet Zoe Thompson and for Dan, Shawn, and the rest of the family. Zoe had her MRI on October 18. The doctor confirmed that she did have some oxygen deprivation near the time of her birth resulting in some brain damage. She will experience the effects of this primarily as stiffness in her lower body, which will require medication and physical therapy. Please continue to pray for Zoe as she grows and develops and also for Dan and Shawn as they make decisions about their family and future ministry in Vanuatu. Below is Zoe on her MRI day. As Dan says, “Power to the babies!”

Thank you also to all of you who are continuing to pray for the Kopkes throughout this hard year. Ryan’s mom, Janet, has wonderful news to share: they were able to remove all of her cancer with surgery and she will not need any further treatment! Praise God! Please continue to pray for her as she gains strength and recovers from surgery. Please also continue to pray for Jordan and Ryan as they grieve the death of Jordan’s father, adjust to life in Vanuatu, and prepare to begin teaching VISTA courses in March.

The Ohrenbergs have departed Vanuatu and are on their way to the US for their home assignment. Please continue to pray for them as they visit with family and supporters. Pray especially for their young daughter Annalyn as she adjusts to the faster pace of life in the US.

This picture is just for fun! Elijah is sharing a giggle with his friends January and Juliet during a Saturday afternoon swim earlier this month.
The Word for the Month
James 1:19-20, NLT

“Understand this, my dear brothers and sisters: You must all be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to get angry. Human anger does not produce the righteousness God desires.”

Currently we are studying the book of James in the Sunday night youth group that we lead. These verses always convict me as I work on the “slow to speak” part!

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Check out our Facebook page for ministry updates, prayer requests, praises, family news, fun facts, missionary bloopers and more!
Pioneer Bible Translators exists to disciple the Bible-less, mobilizing God’s people to provide enduring access to God’s word. Our vision is to see transformed lives through God’s word in every langauge.
Copyright © 2016 Pioneer Bible Translators/Ministry of Craig and Katy Bennett, All rights reserved.