Scripture in Apma for the very first time!

Craig and Katy Bennett

Serving the Bible-less in Vanuatu

Scripture Checking Phase 1: Complete!
Dear Family and Friends,
I want to start with an apology for being slow in communicating with all of you recently. Having a newborn is a lot of fun, but it is keeping us busy. In addition, this has been a particularly busy and incredibly productive time in our work here in Vanuatu. In the last 2 months we have conducted the 3rd VISTA module and worked on the preliminary checking of the translations of Genesis 1-11. Here are the details:

VISTA module 3 got off to a rough start. We expected our translators to arrive having already completed the back translation and pre-check on their translations of Genesis 1-11, however due to a miscommunication on our part they had not done this work (now we know better how to communicate our expectations for next time!) Our team scrambled to help them understand and complete the back translation process; meanwhile Craig taught the next Hebrew course. Our partner Rondy worked with the translators on making some literacy tools to help anyone who is unable to read in their own language so that when the Scripture is published people will be able to read it. (Yes, it sounds strange but many people are able to read in English or Bislama but unable to read their own language.)

Despite the difficulties, we finished module 3 strong and went straight into the Consultant Checking process. Craig is the consultant for 2 of the 4 languages we work with: Apma and Hano (also known as Raga). Craig started with the Hano translators and spent 6 days working with them. They were able to complete the pre-check for Genesis 1-9. After that we traveled to our village, Waterfall, on the island of Pentecost. We spent two weeks there visiting with our adopted family while Craig checked the Apma translation of Genesis 1-11. 
Left: Craig working with Hano translators Father Joseph, Chief Selwyn, and Father Allen
Right: Craig working with Apma translator Dick Bule and consulting with locals on a spelling issue for the Apma translation

As Craig and the translators worked to check the story of Noah in Genesis 6-9 we were blessed with an abundance of rain, quite a surprise since we have been experiencing a significant drought! During that week of Scripture checking, we saw approximately 20 rainbows, including this one which was the most brilliant one any of us had ever seen (a picture just doesn’t do it justice). If you look closely on the left side, you can see another very faint rainbow just above it.
God’s Word in Apma!
On our second Sunday in Waterfall Craig had the opportunity to share Genesis 1:26-30 in Apma. This is the first time that God’s word has been publicly spoken in Apma. Although many people are literate in English or Bislama, there was no one available who could read Apma. The church was silent as Craig read the Scripture and the look of awe on the children’s faces was amazing. Praise God that His word is being shared in the heart languages of Pentecost!
Team Retreat

This past week we spent 5 days at Turtle Bay having a team retreat. This time was truly a blessing to our family and our team as we met together for worship, prayer, team building, and fellowship. Praise God with us for a time of refreshing and encouragement. Above is the very first picture of our entire team together!

From left to right: Ryan and Jordan Kopke; Elijah, Shawn, Kay-Marie, Dan and Daniel Thompson; Annalyn, Gregory, and Rondy Ohrenberg; Lauren, Matt, Angie, Ethan, and Aidan Weldy; Katy, Josiah, Craig, and Elijah

What’s Next: December and January Plans
After the retreat, we came back to Santo for a little bit of rest and to celebrate the holidays. A tropical holiday is slightly less strange this year than last year but it is still hard to listen to “White Christmas” while sweating under the tropical sun! (Summer here begins on December 21 when winter begins for all of you!) Please pray for us as we celebrate our second Christmas away from family and friends. Praise God with us for Skype so that we can “see” our families and visit with them even though we are apart.

On January 18 we will be heading back to Pentecost for another 2 weeks for the final stage of checking Genesis 1-11. We are bringing in a consultant trained in Scripture checking who will work together with us to complete this final check. After this, we will be able to begin printing the story of the beginning of the world! Ask God to have his hand in this checking process. Pray that he will help us and the translators to choose the best words to use to translate his word into the languages of Vanuatu.
FundSponge: A new way to support our ministry without spending anything extra!
We’re excited to tell you about a new way that you can support our ministry, without spending anything extra. We have joined a program called FundSponge which tracks online spending and donates a portion of money spent to our ministry. When you shop online, just follow this link first to visit our page, then use their link to the retailer you want to purchase from. This will allow FundSponge to track your purchase and a portion of what you spend will be donated to our ministry. To make it easy, once you follow this link just bookmark it and then visit it first every time you shop. Thank you for supporting us in this way!
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The Word for the Month
Genesis 9:12-16
And God said, “This is the sign of the covenant I am making between me and you and every living creature with you, a covenant for all generations to come: I have set my rainbow in the clouds, and it will be the sign of the covenant between me and the earth. Whenever I bring clouds over the earth and the rainbow appears in the clouds, I will remember my covenant between me and you and all living creatures of every kind. Never again will the waters become a flood to destroy all life. Whenever the rainbow appears in the clouds, I will see it and remember the everlasting covenant between God and all living creatures of every kind on the earth.”


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Pioneer Bible Translators exists to disciple the Bible-less, mobilizing God’s people to provide enduring access to God’s word. Our vision is to see transformed lives through God’s word in every langauge.
Copyright © 2015 Pioneer Bible Translators/Ministry of Craig and Katy Bennett, All rights reserved.