VISTA Module 1 was a success! Plus upcoming travel plans

Craig and Katy Bennett

Serving the Bible-less in Vanuatu

VISTA News: Module 1 Complete!
We are so pleased to share with you that the first module of the VISTA program is complete! Over the last month 15 translators from 4 languages have drafted Genesis 1-5 in their own languages! Now that the module has ended, they have returned home to repair and restore the damage done by Cyclone Pam and continue working to translate Scripture. Praise God with us for their good attitudes, willing hearts, hard work, and exciting progress. It is so good to see God’s word translated into a new language.

The next VISTA module will begin on May 25, which is also Craig’s birthday. Please be in prayer for the students as they reunite with their families after a long month here in town and much stress about the cyclone. Praise God that while damage was done to homes and gardens, none of our students lost family members in the storm. Pray also that God will be with the students as they try to work on Genesis 6-11 on their own.

Pictures from top to bottom, left to right: Craig, Gregory, and Rondy with VISTA Principal Pastor Vusi and 14 of our 15 translators after the VISTA closing ceremony; Craig using Legos to teach colors and prepositions in Hebrew; Carol, one of the Sa translators, being introduced at the church’s dedication of the VISTA program; Stevenson, another Sa translator, working on Genesis 1; a rough draft Genesis 1:1-2 in Apma

Coming Soon to A Hospital Near You:
Baby Bennett #2
We are excited to announce that we will be returning to the US for a short time for the birth of Baby Bennett #2! As we mentioned before we are unable to remain in Vanuatu for the birth of the baby due to lack of medical care and also difficulties with obtaining a passport here. After much consideration, we have decided to come back to Tennessee and have the baby there where we can spend time visiting with family and letting them get to know the newest member of Team Vanuatu. We will arrive in the US on June 12 and leave for Vanuatu again on August 30.

Although this trip home will be busy and eventful, we’d love to see as many of you as possible. As it gets closer to time, we will try to begin making plans to create opportunities to visit and introduce you to the newest member of our family. We look forward to renewing our friendships and fellowshipping with you!

Please pray that God will be with us throughout this entire experience and that this pregnancy will continue to go smoothly and that this baby will be healthy and happy. The visiting doctor at the local clinic specializes in Women’s Health and was able to do a mid-term ultrasound. Although the ultrasound machine here is very limited, all the measurements that she was able to take showed a healthy baby. We had hoped to learn the gender of the baby, but the limitations of the machine combined with the baby’s modesty have kept that a secret. 

Some Practical Needs: During our visit back to the US, we would like to have use of a vehicle and we will also need car seats for both Elijah and the new baby. If you have a vehicle you would consider loaning to us, please let us know. Also, if your children have outgrown car seats that are still in good shape and you would be willing to sell or loan those to us, please let us know. Elijah is 3 years old and weighs about 30 pounds so he will need a forward facing toddler seat.

The Word for the Month
“Happy are those who reject the advice of evil people, who do not follow the example of sinners or join those who have no use for God. Instead, they find joy in obeying the Law of the Lord, and they study it day and night. They are like trees that grow beside a stream, that bear fruit at the right time, and whose leaves do not dry up. They succeed in everything they do.” Psalm 1:1-3, Good News Translation

“Olgeta we oli no wantem folem toktok blong ol man nogud, mo we oli no wantem folem fasin blong olgeta, mo we oli no wantem joen wetem olgeta we oli stap laf long God, olgeta ya oli save harem gud. Ol man olsem, oli glad blong folem Loa blong Hae God, mo oltaem oli stap ridim, mo oli stap tingting long hem long dei mo long naet. Olgeta ya oli olsem ol tri we oli gru long saed blong wota we i stap ron. Ol tri ya oli stap karem frut long stret taem blong olgeta mo life blong olgeta i no save drae. Mo long sem fasin, ol man ya tu oli stap win long evri samting we oli stap makem. Ol Sam 1:1-3, Bislama Bible

The man who translated the Bislama Bible, Morrie Tabi, is one of our students in the VISTA program. He has also drafted the entire New Testament in the Apma language. Praise God with us for his dedication to getting God’s word into the hands of his people!

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Pioneer Bible Translators exists to disciples the Bible-less, mobilizing God’s people to provide enduring access to God’s word. Our vision is to see transformed lives through God’s word in every language. 
Copyright © 2015 Pioneer Bible Translators/Ministry of Craig and Katy Bennett, All rights reserved.