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December 2014 
Our Vision 
We envision thriving communities where isolation due to poverty and undeveloped roads is no longer an obstacle to a better way of life.

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Crowd Funding 
Help us fund the next container of critical parts which will help Tanzania thrive!

Christmas Gift
Buy a diesel BUV for your favorite missionary with your $5,200  tax-deductible donation.

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BUV drivers report  they use only 1 liter of fuel per hour driving in the “bush”.  An SUV driving off-road may use 6 liters per hour!


The 2015 Model BUV is switching to LED lights!  The lights last longer and are more durable.  
Donate Miles
Help send trainers to Tanzania by donating your frequent flyer miles.
Thank You
We are grateful for your prayers and financial support.  You help us provide opportunity to those in need.

As 2014 comes to a close, we want to share with you some of God’s many blessings on our work this year.

Manufacturing in Tanzania

BUVT Employees

We reached a major milestone this year: BUVs were manufactured in Tanzania! There were many challenges involved with moving from assembly-only (2013) to manufacturing; unreliable electric service, shipping delays, and surprises relating to the facility. But the Tanzania team persevered. They recently completed their 15th vehicle!  See video

BUV Tanzania received an ocean shipping container of parts in May. They quickly went to work fabricating 10 BUV units, 9 of which were pre-sold. Two U.S. based engineers traveled to Tanzania to conduct on-site training over the course of 6 weeks.


All this effort really paid off as a BUV manufactured by the proud Tanzania workforce won the regional Small Industries Development Organization (SIDO) award. As a result, BUV Tanzania was invited to the national SIDO conference in Dar es Salaam, the capital. Praise God for these rewards along the road!

Looking ahead to 2015, the next milestone will be manufacturing 50 more units in the Tanzania factory, for sale and distribution in East Africa. Accomplishing this will put us well on the way to scaling up BUV Tanzania to a produce 200 units or more per year. Using this model, we look forward to partnering with groups in other countries to establish more factories.

Will you please consider donating to this effort?

Funding the expenses necessary to firmly establish the BUV Tanzania plant, including completion of a 50 unit production run planned for 2015, will require $450,000. This level of funding will enable BUV Tanzania to be sustainable by 2016, producing 200+ BUVs per year.  

Life Change

Paulo is an owner/operator who is buying his BUV through the rent- to-own program. Here are some of his comments about the impact that a BUV business is having on his life:


“I used to stay with others.
  Now I can live on my own.”


“I  can now buy things for myself and my family. I bought land for my father and provided money for his house. I bought a radio and a mattress for myself.”


“The Toyos (a competitor vehicle) do not go where the roads are rough. Often I am the only one that can move goods when the conditions are bad.”

New Application / New Life
Many people use BUVs to transport water for human consumption, for livestock, and for drip irrigation farming. Recently, we learned that a church in Tanzania used a BUV to help construct a baptistry in a parched land. They dug a large hole, lined it with a tarp, used the BUV to fill it with water from afar, and then celebrated many baptisms.  God must be smiling!
Thank You

The BUV is a vehicle that delivers dignity, hope, and pride.  We hope you will support the BUV right now.  Please make your year-end donation to help us provide access to the people who need it most.    

Merry Christmas!,

Will Austin, Director/Founder
Institute for Affordable Transportation

5868 E. 71st St, Suite E-199
Indianapolis, IN  46220
Phone: 317-213-1088  


IAT is a 501(c)(3) public charity.  Donations are deductible as allowed by law.  
Non-cash gifts can be made through our account #605199 at the National Christian Foundation.