Greetings this time from a hot Indiana.  It is not hot for us as it is only 90, but a welcome change from the over 100 heat we had been having in Las Brisas.  Madonna has been checking the temperature in Bajamar and it has been less than here in actual temperature, but it feels hotter.
We are settled in with Madonna’s sister and brother-in-law and Marilyn is spoiling us royally.  She won’t even let John do the dishes, so he will be so out of practice,  Madonna may have trouble getting him back to his routine in Honduras.  Madonna did bake some cookies week before last and one day washed dishes when Marilyn was not around.  We have been visiting Madonna’s other sister, Marianna who is in assisting living in Tipton and Madonna’s cousin, Phyllis who is in a nursing home in Tipton and have visited others who are homebound as well.  We can hardly believe it–we have not been to a Walmart yet.   Madonna has shared with three congregations so far about our ministry.  We had prepared some large pictures of the congregation to use, but the minister of Normanda, our home church, put those pictures on a CD so we can do a power point presentation which is better.  Thanks, Steve.
Please pray for our brother-in-law, Danny,  He is not in good health and Marilyn has her hands full taking care of him.  About the only thing we can do is be here, so she can get out and run errands knowing someone is with him.  Pray for Marilyn too for the strength to keep up.  She never slows down and was out this morning digging potatoes and onions from the garden.  We have enjoyed fresh delicious corn on the cob and the best fresh tomatoes from Marilyn’s garden.  There is nothing like fresh Indiana tomatoes.
We tried to call Madonna’s nurse this morning to see how things were going at Las Brisas, but the call did not go through.  We are sure everything is fine or Mark Hoff would have called us.  Mark and Bill Hoff took us to the airport and we left our pick-up with Mark.
We have a free Sunday on August 31st, so will be worshipping at our home church, Normanda.  We don’t plan to do much travelling his furlough and all of the churches we visit are in Indiana, so this is an easy furlough.  Thanks again for your prayers.  In His Love, John and Madonna