Greetings from Taiwan:

“’For I know the plans I have for you,’ declares the Lord,…” (Jer 29:11)  This passage has come to mind often in the past few weeks:  regarding the church here in Taiwan, longtime friends we’ve said good-bye to and Noah with his classmates.
This is a GO Church Sunday, and our church has truly gone — most to their childhood homes.  This is Dragon Boat Festival weekend, a three day weekend.  So, please pray as our church family has opportunity to share Christ with their families.
We said goodbye to many of our Team Expansion co-workers and friends, as they headed back to the US to begin home assignments.  It has been difficult, as we do not know when the next time we’ll see them.  They have all been dear to us for many, many years!  Please pray for travel safety.
Our boy, Noah, graduated from middle school this past week.  Noah, who was made in Taiwan, may face the biggest adjustment challenges in coming months; especially as he goes from a close-knit class of 25, to a class of more than 500, of which, he knows no one.  So, please pray for our youngest as he makes this transition over the summer and fall.
Please pray for Dan Robinson, the principal of MCA, and long-time basketball coach.  He was involved in a serious bicycling accident yesterday, and has broken bones, including femoral neck and his hip joint capsule (pelvis).  He will have surgery soon, and is in traction now.
Yes, we’re still packing, all 6 levels, which includes the roof of our home.  In the heat and humidity of Taiwan, ascending and descending all the 87 stairs with heavy loads, sure does wear us out.  A day of packing leaves you feeling like you’ve climbed Mt. Everest!  Please pray for physical, mental and spiritual stamina that comes from above!  Please pray that we’ll finish well, and be ready for a shipping container on Saturday, June 21.
Sports & English Camp is right around the corner; with 144 Taiwan teenagers, 50 faculty (from 6 countries), and 10 little kids.  100 of the 144 teens are not yet Christians.  Please pray that our very diverse faculty will have a singular focus, of being a light for Christ that causes teens to want to follow Him!  Please pray as we prepare for the 9th annual S & E Camp!
Thank you for your partnership and prayers with us!  Without you, we could do nothing!

All for God’s Glory Among the Nations,
Dave & Brenda Atkin