Greetings from Taiwan:
“Nothing can hinder the Lord from saving, whether by many or by few” (I Sam 14:6b).  After proclaiming his faith in the Lord; Jonathan and his armor bearer scaled a cliff and took on the Philistine army.  And, even though there were only two swords in Israel at the time, the Lord did, indeed, bring about a might victory!  Why?  The battle is the Lord’s!  The victory is the Lord’s!  But, what a privilege it is to be a part of the victory celebration!
Thank you, Lord!  We (Chad Edwards, Jon Ralls and me) are safely home from the 10-day trip to the Philippines — having been blessed in every way!  Truly, I am speechless; in awe of what the Lord has accomplished, but grateful to have been a part.  We went at the request of Mike and Jeanette Propp, amazing Team Expansion missionaries serving on the island of Bohol, to facilitate Jonathan Training, on the island of Leyte.  The Filipino people have suffered much recently, both devastating earthquakes and the most powerful typhoon ever recorded, Super Typhoon Yolanda.  So, how could we not go to encourage the Filipino pastors, many of whom have lost everything!  However, as is often the case with the Lord; when you set out to be a blessing, you often return feeling like you did nothing but receive a greater blessing! To God be the glory!  Please pray for the church in the Philippines, and consider how we might help to relieve much suffering!  (more in the Feb newsletter)
We are grateful to share that our co-worker in Kaohsiung, John Dunn, is recovering at home following successful back surgery this past week to relieve pressure on his spinal cord.  We are so glad he is on the mend!  Please lift him up in prayer!
On Tuesday, I have the privilege of sharing again with the Taiwanese staff at MCA in their weekly chapel service.  Please pray, as many of them do not yet know Jesus as their Savior.
These are busy days, and Brenda and I thank you for praying for us and the church here in Taiwan!  Please pray that the Kingdom will come and God’s will be done here in this place!  Thank you for your partnership with us!
All for God’s Glory Among the Nations,
Dave & Brenda Atkin