

Greetings from Taiwan:

“‘The virgin will be with child and will give birth to a son, and they will call him Immanuel’ – which means, ‘God with us.'” (Matt 1:23)  
We’re in the middle of our live nativity — sewing seeds with the Good News that a Savior has been born for us.  Last night went well.  The rain that we had in the morning cleared off and gave us a very pleasant afternoon and evening.  Our church family did most of the work to put it all together, and we are very proud of them.  There were many memorable moments last night; including 3-month old, Russell, as Baby Jesus.  (seen in the picture with parents — Clive and Gloria)
Tabitha arrived safely on Wednesday evening.  Emily has accepted the position as Event Services Manager at the Illini Union, beginning mid-January.  Noah celebrated his 14th birthday with five of his friends, paint ball and a sleep-over.  Thank you, Lord.
Thank you for your partnership with us!  From our family to yours — Merry Christmas, as we celebrate the birth of Immanuel!   

All for God’s Glory Among the Nations,
Dave & Brenda Atkin