
Happy New Year & Greetings from Taiwan:

“He who was seated on the throne said, ‘I am making everything new!’ Then he said, ‘Write this down, for these words are trustworthy and true.’” (Rev 21:5) We, who live by a new covenant, having been born again – being made into a new creation, and bestowed with a new command — serve a God who is in the habit of making everything new!  Praise His holy name!

We celebrated the New Year with our co-workers from around the island — more than 35 adults and kids gathered at our home for the annual New Year’s Eve party.  What a blessing our Team Expansion co-workers are to us!  Absent were Chris & Samantha Sanford, from Kaohsiung, who just had another baby girl — Rebecca Hope.  We Skyped with them and celebrated this new birth!  Also absent were Chuck & Molly Johnston, our Formosa Christian Mission co-workers.  Molly was in the hospital for tests, and may require surgery in the coming week.  Please pray for her.
Mark McGill, the MCA student who had back surgery with our friend Dr Zhang, is recovering at home now.  He begins 2014 with a new and improved spine!!  Please keep him in your prayers as he has a long road of rehab ahead!  It has been a blessing to come alongside this family — having been through this 8 years ago.
Two families are in need of prayer — one I mentioned last week — who have suffered a terrible family tragedy.  I was able to meet with them, and am grateful to share that this family is seeking the Lord.  Please continue to pray for them.  The second, newlyweds who are having trouble living with extended family who worship idols.  Please pray for wisdom in helping to deal with these struggles — pray for new hope and new joy to be realized in these.
Tabitha returned to U Chicago to begin a new semester of law school.  Her flight was delayed 3 hours into Chicago because of the winter storm.  We’ve heard that the Mid-west is getting buried under a new storm.  We are praying you are all safe in the storms.  Should I mention that Brenda, Noah and I rode bicycles yesterday in short sleeves?  No, I don’t think I will!  🙂
Please pray for the Come Christian Church as 2014 bring new challenges.  Please pray for a new resolve and faith that can move mountains.  And, keep us in your prayers as by mid-2014, we expect to begin a new chapter of kingdom service, though we are not certain what that will be.
Thank you for your faithful partnership in this ministry!  We rejoice to begin this New Year serving the Lord with you!
All for God’s Glory Among the Nations,
Dave & Brenda Atkin