Jan 26, 2014

Greetings from Taiwan:

“Oh, that my words were recorded, that they were written on a scroll, that they were inscribed with an iron tool on lead, or engraved in rock forever!  I know that my redeemer lives, and that in the end he will stand on the earth.  And after my skin has been destroyed, yet in my flesh I will see God; I myself will see him with my own eyes—I, and not another.  How my heart yearns within me!” (Job 19:23-27)  Had the Book of Job been written during or after the time of Jesus, we would not be surprised to read these words from Job 19!  Our hearts, like Job’s, would yearn for the day we, too, see Jesus!  However, most scholars place Job around the time of Abraham, or even before!  “I know that my redeemer lives…” spoken more than 2,000 years before Christ came!  Yes, this is an ancient plea, but as relevant today as it was 4,000 years ago — we need a Redeemer, and his name is Jesus! 

We were privileged to attend the celebration service for Molly Johnston this past Thursday evening.  Chuck & Molly have served in Taiwan for nearly 44 years with our mission, Formosa Christian Mission.  (Team Expansion, not quite 20 years ago, partnered with FCM to bring church planting missionaries to Taiwan.)  The service was not a eulogy of all the Johnston’s have done, but rather a celebration of the faithfulness of the God we serve.  Several family members spoke, including Chuck, offering words of gratitude to God for a life spent serving others.  There were those who sang, both children and adults, a testimony to a ministry that spanned generations.  What a privilege to work among such faithful servants!  Please keep the Johnston family in your prayers!

Chinese New Year is January 31, and most of our church will have vacation from Jan 30 thru Feb 5.  Please pray for them as they have opportunity to share their faith with family and friends.

In family news:  on Feb 1st, my mother, Juanita, will begin moving into a senior citizen apartment complex in Fairfield, OH.  Please pray for her!  We are thankful for the church family, in Fairfield, who is willing to help with the move.  Please pray for wisdom as we determine what to do with mom’s home.  Brenda is a little under the weather, with a cold.  Please pray that she will get some good rest during CNY break.  We’ve begun collecting empty boxes, and packing non-essentials for the eventual move this summer.  With a home that is 5 levels, that task alone seems daunting!

In the wee hours of Thursday morning, Chad, Jon and I will depart for the Philippines to do pastor training on the island of Leyte.  We will be hosted by Team Expansion missionaries, Mike and Jean Propp.  To get to the typhoon zone, we will fly from Taipei to Manilla, and from Manilla to Cebu.  From Cebu we will “boat to Bohol (island).”  From Bohol we will “sail to Leyte.”  Once on Leyte we will drive across the island to Tacloban, spending a night there.  The 5-day Jonathan Training for pastors will be held two hours south, in Hinunangan, which is along the coast, in the typhoon zone.  Lord willing, from Tacloban, we will return to Taiwan on Feb 8th.  Please pray that we will be a blessing to the 100 pastors and their wives who are scheduled to attend — these who have endured much over the past few months.

Thank you for praying to the God and Father who sent a Redeemer for us — Jesus Christ.  May we, like Molly, serve in such a way as to bring glory to our Savior!
All for God’s Glory Among the Nations,
Dave & Brenda Atkin