Greetings from Taiwan:
“Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life.  He who believes in me will live, even though he dies.” (Jn 11:25) Shortly after these words of assurance were promised to Martha, Jesus spoke three more words, “Lazarus, come out!”  Death was swallowed up in victory, thru Jesus Christ, for Lazarus and for us!
Last night, Brenda and I were at the hospital, in the Hospice care unit; with several other brothers & sisters, and all with Chuck & Molly Johnston.  Molly’s cancer is widespread, and doctors can do no more.  Chuck & Molly have been serving in Taiwan for more than 43 years with our Formosa Christian Mission, and were instrumental in getting us to move to Taichung to plant churches.  For many years they have selflessly served the Community Church of Taichung (CCT), which meets on the Morrison Academy campus.
This morning I will be preaching at CCT from John 12 (the assigned text), having volunteered to fill in for Chuck late last week, when we knew Molly might be having surgery. This is bound to be a difficult Lord’s Day morning.  But, not without hope!  And, pray for the Johnston family, as Chuck & Molly have 4 children and many grandchildren in the US, with some trying to get here quickly. 
Plans are still being worked out to assist in the Philippines, following the typhoon nearly two months ago.  Please pray that we can be a blessing to them from Taiwan.
Our January newsletter is attached, which includes the totals for the 2013 year-end financial, 2014 news and pictures from our live nativity. Detailed reports for 2013 will be mailed to supporters by our faithful FA, Kathy.  Thank you for your partnership and prayers.

All for God’s Glory Among the Nations,
Dave & Brenda Atkin