Mission Services

Mission Services 

receives Guide Star

  Exchange Seal award 

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April 25, 2013
Accountability is defined by the Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary (Who uses a printed and bound dictionary any longer?) as “an obligation or willingness to accept responsibility or to account for one’s actions.”

Since the earliest days of Mission Services Association our founders, Board of Directors, Executive Directors and staff members have been serious about the accountability we owe to those whose financial support make this ministry possible.  Fifty years ago, a ministry leader would be able to tell a supporting congregation or individual, “Our checkbook is open for inspection,” and a foundation of trust would have been formed.  In the 21st Century, people are simply too busy to ask to see a checkbook, and most people might agree that would be more detail than is necessary.  As time has progressed, third party agencies have arisen into which supporters have invested trust to determine the accountability and transparency of missionaries, ministries and non-profit organizations.

To that end, we are happy to report that Mission Services has earned the GuideStar (www.guidestar.org) Exchange Seal demonstrating the commitment of our Board and Staff to continue the legacy of transparency in our operation and accountability for how we spend the support funds we receive.  

On behalf of every member of the Mission services team, I would like to thank each person and congregation for their support that comes financially or via prayer.  We are stewards of your trust!  I pray we may continue to serve the Kingdom together, spreading the glory of God via world missions.

Guidestar award 

Praying for more to be His,      

RH sig for web   

Reggie Hundley, Executive Director

Mission Services Association, Inc.

the missions network