The following information has come from people in Ukraine.  Please pray for the current political & cultural unrest and everyone involved.  


Continue to pray urgently and daily for us.  The “scandal” in our village has been broadcast on different news sources, and articles flood the internet.   I am still living with another American, and don’t feel safe to move back home yet.  A fanatic M group has posted on their website that someone should burn the G’s house down, so K, who hosted a Christmas party, has moved out for awhile.  Tomorrow after church we are meeting with a Christian lawyer to write up a detailed report of what happened last Monday.  My heart has been extremely heavy for the Christian’s from an ethnic group who were in charge of the Christmas program.  A couple of the ladies come from abusive homes, and most likely received beatings this week for shaming their people and families on the news.  One man who helped at the party hadn’t yet told his village he had become a Christian, and when his face was shown on the news, his village basically ostracized him and his kids.  The M gov’t body here has approached political leaders in the city and demanded a meeting.  We were warned that they will send representatives out to us to question us, so that is another reason I am not home.  Please pray for all these dear brothers and sisters from their ethnic group…Thank you so much for praying! I am learning about suffering and relating on a deeper level with Christians who suffer, and that has been such a blessing and even a joy. :)”

This update as well…”After church yesterday, we who had been a part of the Christmas party met to discuss Ukrainian law and future steps. Even though this political party had mentioned “house burning” on their website, our group does not think that will happen.  An m here from Latvia, has done a lot of research on this M party, and he said they do not want to risk their status in Ukraine, so they would not do anything to harm the property or me.  They are pretty confident of that, so I’m no longer worried for that to happen.  They believe the party will be knocking on neighborhood doors soon, and if they find me, could try to get me deported.  So I’ll continue to stay with others until I get my registration finalized.  Another friend he believes cell conversations are being intercepted, so everyone must be careful what is said on the phone.