

February 18, 2014
Dear Friends,


Gretchen, Lifeline’s Co-Founder who is in Haiti right now, just called with this urgent prayer request: the shop in Haiti is on fire right now.


They are doing all they can to put it out, but in Haiti, that means Bob (Lifeline Co-Founder), Bobby (Lifeline’s Plant Manager) and the Haitian staff are throwing dirt on the flames.  At one point the fire was burning out of control, but they now have it contained.  


The shop houses the generator and other flammable liquids, so it was imperative that they get the fire under control.  But, with the loss of the generator, they have lost power at Lifeline’s Grand Goave campus.


Please pray with us:

  • for the safety of the Haitian staff, Bob and Bobby
  • for the fire to be extinguished quickly
Please note: the work team is SAFE! 


Thank you for your prayers!

The Lifeline Family


Lifeline Christian Mission   ||   Restoring hope among the nations 

Haiti | Honduras | El Salvador | Cuba | Panama | Guatemala | Navajo Nation | Canada | USA