Report From
White Fields Evangelist
Jonas Petit Frere
A Great Revival In Village St Armand, Haiti

Pastor Jonas Petit Frere and his family held a revival at the Christian Church of Village St Armand of Gonaives starting August 6th. There had been a long dry period, so many of the farmers had lost some of their harvests. But as soon as the revival started the rain came down arriving like a Lord’s Great Army.

In the afternoon they sang and prayed and went and did door to door evangelizing inviting the people to their services. Each day they went to a different area going door to door inviting people to the revival meetings.Over the the five days of revival meetings, six people came to Christ. Praise the Lord!!
Jonas has opened a school for destitute children of this very poor community for whom he used to buy, before getting married and having a family, uniform, food, books, copybooks, pens, pencils and so on and paid five(5) teachers for teaching them to read and write. His personal responsibilities don’t allow him to continue to do these humanitarian works. For opening the school on September, he has to pay six (6) months of salary to five (5) teachers and at the rate of $100.00 US each one. The school is important part of the church in the community. A church, whose Mission support supports children, opens a school for children from 6 to 7 and recommends them to be at this church for enjoying of this support.

Please keep Jonas’s father, Duis, in your prayers. He is entering in the final stages of cancer and the Doctors don’t know what else they can do for him.


Ebola Update

We are so happy to learn the American doctor and the American missionary to Liberia are doing well and have been released from the hospital. Praise God!

The crisis in Liberia, Gambia, Sierra Leone, and Nigeria is worse! They need our sincere prayers. This is a report from Mike Foday:

We need to pray very earnestly for Liberia because of the EBOLA attack. Nearly all the Government hospitals have closed down. No medicines. Common sicknesses like malaria and diarrhea are killing our people every moment of the day. It is no joke.  Doctors are afraid to go to work. People are dying in their tents everyday in the country. All roads leading to Monrovia  through which Food comes to the city have been closed  and the STATE OF EMERGENCY had been declare by the Liberian Government. Thanks to God that no member of the Church of Christ in Monrovia had been hit. Also, five of our preachers are stranded in their villages and could not reach to Monrovia as State Securities are deployed through out the Nations to stop people from moving from place to place

The Liberian Government has failed to quickly pick up dead bodies out of the street and last week sealed off and isolated some 50,000 people inside their neighborhoods and villages. There i a shortage of food, water and other supplies throughout Liberia. .