A Family Mission Trip with KORE

How several families built memories with their children while teaching valuable lessons…

We have had many of you ask about bringing your family to Haiti on a mission trip with KORE.  We asked two Mom’s some questions about their recent trip.  Here’s what they had to say!


Beach time!
By Angie Wingert & Chantelle Kammerdiener
What was it about KORE that prompted you to go on a mission trip with this organization?
Angie – Having previously been on a medical mission trip, I knew I wanted my daughters to experience an environment of solutions, not just the relief from an immediate need.  KORE is exactly that in their sustainable solutions mission as well as being welcoming, flexible and realistic in organizing a trip with children.  After being impacted by the people of Christianville in 2013 and seeing KORE’s philosophy truly being sought, we knew a return trip with KORE would have to happen.
Chantelle – For our first trip, my husband and I were drawn to KORE’s mission of sustainable solutions to poverty, and we also were seeking mission opportunities as a family. KORE was very flexible in helping us plan our trip, making it an amazing experience. So we returned for a second trip! We wanted to go back to serve the staff on the ground in Christianville as well as the children we encountered.
How did your trip give you the opportunity to see KORE projects in Haiti?
Angie – One of my favorite parts of our 2013 trip was a campus tour of Christianville given by Mr. Edsel Redden.  This opened my eyes to the scope and heart of KORE’s passion- ‘going beyond relief”.  To then return 15 months later and see what was previously just vision and shells of buildings now functioning to directly impact Haitian lives was impressive.  In addition to seeing the physical and economic advances, it was the obvious happiness and peace of the children and the stories of lives that have been saved by the people and support of KORE that allowed us to see how spiritual and emotional needs are being met as well.  KORE’s philosophy is alive!
Chantelle– For me on our first trip, the picture of what KORE does was like seeing a line drawing. Fifteen months later, that same picture was in full color. We saw the fully operational chicken processing plant, enjoyed lunch at the culinary school, and collected accountability data for the 6.25 Project. Some of our best moments were when we were able to love on the kids who benefit from the protein supplied in the 6.25 Project. Additionally, we helped with the foundation work for a family’s chicken coop and in doing so, we saw first hand how families value the prospect of being chicken farmers; it’s a game changer for them.

What were some memorable moments from your trip?
Angie – Speaking with my daughters about this, we have different answers.  For my 11 year old daughter, it was making pb&j sandwiches at an orphanage, in the heat with swarming flies, and to see the thankful looks in the children’s eyes when they were handed the food and then the joy in their eyes with the first bite.  For her 13-year-old sister, it was holding sick Jefferson, praying over him for such basic freedoms of safety and health and to feel the unfairness of social injustice.  When we visited in 2013 we met a small and fragile infant.  At that time he was very new to Miss Sue, not eating well and had a questionable future.  Back home we often looked at his picture and prayed but was never sure of his fate.   Fast-forward a year to see a young boy running, waving and chatting with me only to find out it was the same child!!  I was overcome with emotion knowing I have seen a miracle that through God’s grace and the care of Miss Sue, Luny is safe, smart, strong and learning of his Father’s love.
Chantelle – From the “Frozen” sing-along with Miss Sue’s orphans to holding the very sick little Jefferson, there were too many moments to discuss in one paragraph. But a very poignant moment for me was conversing with a Haitian woman where we were pouring the foundation for the chicken coop. In what little I remember of my high school French and her Creole, we were able to tell each other about our families. She showed me much kindness, offering to wash my very concrete-laden clothes and allowing me to pray over her severely disabled little girl.

Did you feel safe?
Angie – Absolutely.  KORE was very forthright in guiding us on measures to assure safety of our health (recommended vaccinations, insect repellent, etc.) as well as information on cultural expectations (communication, money, etc.).  Travel in a third world country poses it’s own risks but with the guidelines and physical support of the KORE staff, we never felt un-safe or threatened in any way.
Chantelle – Yes. Before we took our family on the first trip, we had many conversations with KORE partners about the safety at Christianville because that was a chief concern. Certainly, when you travel anywhere — especially to a third-world country — you encounter safety risks. The walled and gated Christianville campus, where KORE is based, minimizes those risks. 

How were you able to minister to the people of Haiti?
Angie – God’s plan for us was truly greater than what I had imagined for our trip.  In preparation for both trips there was great excitement of what we could bring and share with those we met- activities, medical and school supplies, songs, messages, etc.  But in the end it was the Haitian heart, deep happiness and resiliency of the people that touched us in immeasurable ways.  Undoubtedly we came away more blessed than we could have ever given.
Chantelle – Before our first trip, I certainly looked forward to sharing the Gospel with the Haitian people, but what I quickly learned is that for many of the Haitians we encountered, their faith is unyielding because they are more keenly aware of their dependence on God. While we bumbled through a few projects, drew smiles from the cameras we shared, and played and played with the Haitian orphans we met, I must say that the Haitian people really ministered to me. They reminded me of what I truly need and their perseverance was humbling.  

Inquire about scheduling a trip with KORE today!  info@korefoundation.org

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