Big move to Pakistan:

Dear Fellows in Christ,

        Thank you for your generous support of New Hope Christian Ministries of Pakistan.  Our hearts ache for the Pakistani believers and Muslim neighbors.  Satan is using Muslim extremists to kill innocent people, by shooting them or by blowing them up through suicide bombings.
        With urgency, we are working to rescue as many Muslim brothers and sisters as possible, so they can come to know the redemption and love that is only found in Christ, our Lord.  As many of you know, Pakistan is an Islamic Country.  The total population of Pakistan is 180 million.  Christians make up only 3% of the population, which means that there are 3 million Christians and 177 million Muslims.
        Pakistan is hard to reach with the gospel, due to Muslim extremists’ resistance to Christianity and the Pakistani Government’s formal endorsement of Islam.  The biggest obstacle is the Blasphemy Law, which is used as a license to kill Christians.  Hundreds of Christian people have become victims of this vicious law, by being falsely accused and killed for defending their faith.
        While studying at Cincinnati Christian University, we have traveled back and forth, to supervise the ministries, in Pakistan.  The New Hope Staff has been loyal and committed to expand the mission work in Pakistan.  We have now both graduated and are ready to move to Pakistan, long term, along with our new daughter, Amelia.  We have some pressing needs if we are to reach this goal.
Here are our needs:

A. Transportation:  Traveling by taxi or public transportation is not safe.  In order to avoid suicide bombing and terrorism activities, it would be wise to have our own vehicle.  Personal transportation will be very important to maintain a low profile.  Not everyone in Pakistan is associated with the Taliban/Al-Queda, but it is hard to know who is and who isn’t.  Public Transportation can be easily targeted by extremists. 

        In order to purchase a reliable car, we need $20,000.  The price of cars, in Pakistan, is higher than the USA.  For instance, a new Camry in the USA, costs around $20,000, which is roughly 1,600,000-1,700,000 Rupees (Pakistani Currency).  A new Camry, in Pakistan, costs $60,000 which is 58,080,000 rupees.  A serviceable used one, about $20,000.

B. Housing: To buy a modest home, in Pakistan will cost $50,000.  If we have our own house, it will save a lot of mission money, in the future.  A rental home is quite expensive: $600-700.00 a month, plus utilities.  A permanent home would save money, enhance our effectiveness and demonstrate the permanence of our work.

        We believe these are two essential needs and they cannot be accomplished without help from other Christians like you.  The total need is $70,000.  Since our goal is to move to Pakistan by the end of this year, this means that we need these funds, soon.  Therefore, we are asking that you consider these needs, prayerfully.  Many will have to give generously, and soon.  If 1,500 people would give $50.00, each, the goal can be reached.  Some of you can give much more.
        Christians know that when we open our hands to God, He opens His hands towards us, but we must not forget that God has much bigger hands than we do!
        We would be grateful if you could bring up this need in your churches, Bible classes, Small Groups, and to your family and friends.  We will do this work if you will help sustain us as we go.  As William Carey (The Father of Modern Missions) said,“I will go down into the pit if you will hold the ropes.”
Yours for reaching out to the lost of Pakistan,
Samuel Gill
Founder and Director
P.S.  We ask that you prayerfully consider having a significant part of this exciting mission work in Pakistan, which is one of the world’s most needy mission areas.  Will you help us?  
If 1,500 people contribute $50, the target can be achieved.


All Gifts are Tax-Deductible.


Please read these instructions before clicking on the online donation:

1. Select “Missions Fund ” from the left top drop box.

2.  In the Special Instructions Box, at the bottom, mention “For Pakistan Mission.”

3. Click here, now, for donation:

Traditional way of Donating by Postal Mail


How to Write a Check for Donation:

Please Make your Check out to “EAGLE CHRISTIAN CHURCH”
Where to send:

Eagle Christian Church/Brian LeRoy
100 Short Lane
Eagle, ID 83616

All your donations to Eagle Christian Church get to us, and are Tax-Deductible.

Contact Us, For Speaking Engagements (on Islam and Christianity, and/or Info about Christian Struggles in Pakistan/NHCMP Presentations):