CMF International News



CHE in Mexico City: Man reaches out to at-risk kids

Posted: 27 Apr 2015 12:47 PM PDT

Heriberto Carrera has a job and a hobby, and the 21-year-old man is using both to help the young boys in his Fuego Nuevo neighborhood of Mexico City, according to Community Health Evangelist (CHE) Mariana Luna.

The soccer kidsMariana met Heriberto through her work with Zone 10:15, a community development center based at the Maranatha Church in Fuego Nuevo. He works in a mechanical workshop as an electrical technician for buses, and his hobby is playing soccer. The center recently began a neighborhood soccer league, and Heriberto stepped up to coach a team.

“Heriberto saw a group of kids with no team to play on and no one available to coach them,” said Mariana. “He understand the principles of community development and wants to help others, so he decided to coach them and even bought uniforms for them from his own paychecks.”

“These children don’t get much attention from their parents,” she added. “Heriberto is including them in an activity they love, and now they have something good to be excited about on the weekends.”