Thanks so very much for your prayers for Ruth Anne.

She is slowly getting better.  The doctor had told us that the recovery would take some time and there were be plenty of pain.

We went back to the doctor on Thursday of this past week and everything is normal as of now.  He took another X-ray of her

lower spine where she was operated on and it showed that all is going well after the first week.  She is starting to walk some

here in the house at Michael´s, which is the best medicine she can take at this time.  She is beginning to reduce the pain medicine

from every 4 hours to every 6 hours, indicating that she is getting better. 

Our plans are still for me to return to the Amazon and the May boat trip on the 12th  and then after the trip to go back to Goiänia.

Ruth Anne plans to return on June 9 and go directly to Manaus for the June Amazon Boat Trip.  


Thanks again for your prayers, cards and e-mails.  And please continue to pray for her complete recovery.


Also please continue to pray for our CBM Amazon Boat Ministry and all of those that are involved with this mission work, both

the Brazilian crew members and the U.S. teams that come each month.


We are so grateful to  you, our C.B.M. family, and your partnership with us.


Earl and Ruth Anne