LIFE Circle - Love Is For Eternity

church ministry
The “box of love”

by Andy Sims, Lifeline’s Leadership Development Director


There is a unique tradition among some house churches in Cuba.  These intimate fellowships (15-35 adults) gather in small apartments, garages, rooftops, or any other place they can find to worship Jesus.  Because they are small, the government leaves them alone.  But underestimating the impact of these Christian communities is a mistake.


Families at these house churches bring something each week and place it in a decorated box, aptly called “the box of love.”  Since resources are scarce, these “offerings” are usually simple, practical items like soap, rice, toilet paper, coffee, etc.  Once a month, they draw names among those present to see who wins the contents within the box. Recently, I witnessed the anticipation and then exuberant celebration as one member claimed her prize.  At first, I thought I’d misunderstood the game.  Everyone was rejoicing.  But soon I learned the joy came from what God was doing among them because of that gift.

Often, they said, the “random” winner ends up being someone with a pressing need that week.  Other winners have immediately shared their bounty with a fellow believer who needed it more.  There’s always laughter and sometimes tears, they told me.  And curious neighbors keep showing up.  Initially, they just want in on the fun, but many have discovered hope and belonging in the authentic, joy-filled relationships these believers share.

Thomas, one of the house church leaders, told of the time he felt God nudging him to contribute his family’s monthly ration of meat to the Box.  While that was a tremendous sacrifice and more than anyone would expect to receive, he was convinced the Lord had a special purpose for it.  That’s why he was surprised — and a little disappointed — when his wife’s name was drawn on Sunday to receive the gift.  Why would God do that?


The following day, Thomas discovered his brother, an alcoholic, had stolen his family’s entire monthly food ration at the government store and sold it to buy liquor.  The meat his wife had won in the “box of love” would be enough to sustain Thomas’ family.  God actually used Thomas’ faithfulness & generosity to provide for his own unknown needs.
the box and gifts

More than a game

You’re involving kids in the games they love, while being coached and mentored by Christian leaders. 

watch video

  • A men’s Vision Team is scheduled to travel to Cuba this November.
El Salvador
  • The sports ministry had a great soccer tournament!  Over 100 people attended.
  • The house churches have many activities planned in preparation for their anniversary, which will be on May 31.
  • A new house church was opened, called Victoria 1!
El Salvador soccer tournament
Soccer tournament in El Salvador
  • Last Saturday, Nora and Luisa were baptized!  Keep these new believers in your prayers.
  • Last Sunday, the church had 22 children and 16 adults at their worship service.

  • Praises to God that all 22 children in the Roots child sponsorship program have new sponsors!!

new believers are baptized
New believers in Guatemala
  • We received the funding to purchase 2 Homes for Haiti construction trucks; praising God for the donor.
  • Three containers are clearing customs in Haiti, which are food containers! 
  • Thank you for the generous donations for the new Summer Reading Program.

Navajo ministry
  • Things are coming together for the work teams coming to Arizona this summer.  Plans are being made for projects, Vacation Bible School events, and the teams’ participation in the street ministry in Winslow. 
  • The 3 houses churches came together for a joint activity and 100 people attended!
  • Jose, Lifeline’s Administrator in El Salvador, is traveling in Panama for church activities, to encourage the church, and to spend a few days with family.  Pray for his travels, pray for the house churches, and pray for the leaders to be encouraged in their ministries. 
United States
  • Bob & Gretchen DeVoe, Lifeline’s Founders, visited New Day Christian Church and thanked them for sponsoring 22 children in Guatemala.  A waiting list has been started as more people want to sponsor children as they join the church.
  • Praises for successful sponsorship drives at New Brighton Christian Church in Minnesota, Grinnell Christian Church in Iowa, and Delaware Christian Church in Ohio!  Many people heard about Lifeline and it’s Lovelink Child Sponsorship program because of dedicated volunteers!  Thank you!
Indianapolis Brass Choir Benefit Concert for Lifeline

Prayer requests
  • Please pray for the team coming to Haiti on May 4; team members are from Prince Edward Island (Canada) and the USA. Some members are medical personnel. Please pray for these team members as they make their final preparations.  Teams are also preparing to join us in the ministry fields in Honduras, El Salvador, and Arizona (Navajo ministry).

  • Pray for the Lifeline staff: for wisdom and discernment as they lead and work with their ministries.
  • Pray that the new Summer Reading Program in Haiti is successful and the youth to be better equipped in their reading.
  • Safety in travels for Bob and Gretchen as they visit with friends and churches in Florida.   
  • Prayers for those traveling to the Ontario Christian Convention in Canada this weekend and for God to open doors for us to make connections with partners in Canada.
  • Prayers for the child sponsorship team as they work hard to make kids available for sponsorship drives. 

Men's work team to Haiti

work team ministry
Time is running out!

Men, join us in Haiti for a great time of work and ministry September 29 – October 8, 2015! Registration closes May 1, so let us know ASAP if you’re interested! Contact or 614-794-0108 for details.


Serve Volunteer Ministry

volunteer opportunity
Needed: friendly, welcoming volunteers!

Are you looking for a place to serve?  We’re looking for friendly faces and cheerful voices to welcome visitors at our Westerville, Ohio office.  


Available openings:

The first Tuesday of each month: 9a-1p

Wednesdays: 1p-5p

Thursdays: 9a-1p
Fridays: 9a-1p


If you would like more information or are interested in serving in any of the openings, please contact or 614-794-0108


We would love to serve with you!

Lifeline Christian Mission restoring hope among the nations