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The Week in World Missions for April 8, 2015


Good Wednesday morning!  It has been a busy week in virtually every corner of the globe, so we have a wide array missions news stories for you this week! This is your weekly summary of the world mission news available during the week ending Tuesday April 7, 2015 on the missions network with links to the stories, news, and videos. 

Scan the headlines below, and click on those of interest. We ask that you please forward this email to everyone you know interested in world missions. A convenient forwarding link is found below the news listing.

Daily Headlines / Links….

April 7, 2015

CMF Intl – April 7 2015 – Sponsored kids can dream about their futures

Life in Abundance April 7 2015 – There are greater things to come!

Morning Glory Academy Guatemala – April 7 2015 – Short-term Groups Matter

Exciting Announcement from Russian Outreach Network April 7 2015

MercyPartners South Sudan – April 7 2015 – Christians Martyred, Refugee’s at risk, Marches continue

Red Sands Christian School Serves, Grows and Improves in 2015 – video

GNPI Good News for the Week – Apr 7 2015 – Introducing The Global Gospel App!


April 6, 2015

Herchenroeder Update 4-6-2015 Praise for the Madang team that works so well together

Spratts Honduras Update – Apr 6 2015 – New Jesus Followers on Easter Sunday

Twin Suicide Bombs – April 6 2015 – New Hope Christian Ministries of Pakistan

Phil and Michelle Parker of Victory44 Intl update their work in Thailand April 2015

April 4, 2015

Life Circle – April 3 2015 – Celebrating Easter

Java Evangelism – Apr 4 2015 – We’re tired, but it is a good tired!

Twelve 21 Mission – Apr 4 2015 Report from Ministry in the Philippines

April 3, 2015

Spratts Honduras – Mar 2015 – Las Brisas Anniversary and New Christians

Nick and Lindale Adams Report on the 2nd term at Zimbabwe Christian College – Mar 2015

Pioneer Bible Translators April  5 – 11 2015 Daily Prayer Guide

mPower Approach – Mar 2015 – Report on recent trip to Myanmar

Najmon Italy for Christ – March 2015 – Holidays, Traditions, and Budgets

Pray for Kazakhstan! – video

April 2, 2015

Gospel Broadcasting Mission – 1st Qtr 2015 – Golden Triangle Leadership Seminar Report

Should the Weldy’s Be Excited about going to Vanuatu? April 2 2015 eNews

The FAME Prayer Calendar for April 2015 is Online

Polish Christian Ministries April 2015 eNews

TCM Prayer Channel April 2015  – video

Celebrate a SPECIAL anniversary with Brazil River of Life Ministries


April 1, 2015

CMF Intl – April 1 2015 – Here, under this tree, is where we will worship!

Lifeline Christian Mission – Apr 1 2015 – Just 1 Month to Register for Men’s Work Trip to Haiti

2014 ICOM Saturday Workshop – Ukrainian Crisis: Pray Big Pray Bold – video

The Week in World Missions April 1 2015 – a compilation of world missions news stories with links

Restoration House Ministries – April 2015 – Cross Cultural Praises and Petitions in New England


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Praying for more to be His,

Reggie Hundley
Executive Director
Mission Services Association, Inc.

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